Rhyming Fun for Everyone

The Bwci Bos love to rhyme! Check out this amazing, animated rhyme video and activity pack from Joey Bananas.

Get the Rhyme and Activity Sheets in Welsh 

About Joey Bananas

Steven Goldstone

Steven is a Designer and Illustrator. He’s designed several websites and apps for children including the ‘Muppets Movie’ site for Disney and children’s sites for S4C.  He also illustrates the ‘Bwci Bo’ picture book series for young children.  ‘How Many Bwci Bos?’ published by Atebol, was selected as BookTrust Cymru’s BookStart book for young children in 2022. The next Bwci Bo book, ‘How are you, Bwci Bo?’ was published in late 2022.  He is married to Joanna and lives in Llantwit Major.

Joanna Davies

Joanna is a Writer and Creative Producer.  She’s worked as a Senior Producer for ITV Cymru, S4C and the BBC.  She’s produced television progammes and websites for adults and children including Cbeebies and Bitesize.  Joanna has written several bilingual novels and is the author of ‘How Many Bwci Bos?’, BookTrust Cymru’s 2022 Bookstart book for young children. The next Bwci Bo book in the series, ‘How are you, Bwci Bo?’ was published in late 2022 . She is married to Steven and lives in Llantwit Major.

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