Making gifts to BookTrust 

Want to support BookTrust but looking for other ways to give financially? Here's how you can still donate and help get more children reading.

Donate by post

If you would rather send a donation to us in the post, please send cheques, charity vouchers, card detail or direct debit information along with a completed form: 

You can then send the form to our Battersea office address:

Freepost Plus RTTX-UUGU-GSBR
29 Clerkenwell Road
London EC1M 5RN

Donate by phone

If you’d prefer to donate by phone, please call our office on 020 7801 8844 between the hours 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.

Donate anonymously

At BookTrust, we are committed to protecting your personal information and privacy and respect that not everyone may wish to give their name and address details while making a gift. To give anonymously online, donate to Booktrust through:

Give As You Shop

Sign up and donate to BookTrust via Easy Fundraising or The Giving Machine, and you can make a donation every time you shop!

You can donate through our charity collection tins, which can be found at the counter in any branch of Waterstones across the country when buying books. Or shop via our page and we'll receive a donation for every purchase.

Alternatively, auction something valuable through eBay charity – and donate a percentage or the full cost of the sale item.

Give As You Earn

Payroll giving: find out how it works and how to start by checking out the following organisations:

For other bespoke fundraising ideas, please speak to a member of our fundraising team by emailing



29 Clerkenwell Road




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Donate in celebration

Give in celebration for a birthday, anniversary or wedding, by asking for donations in lieu of presents.

Donate in memory

Pay tribute and celebrate the life of a beloved friend or family member with a gift to BookTrust.

Leave a legacy donation

Share your love of reading with the next generation with a gift in your will.

Reading Together

Reading Together, Changing Children's Lives is based on decades of experience of working with millions of families and thousands of local partners, including health visitors, nurseries, schools, libraries and food banks.

Discover our four proposals