Support for schools

We want to get every child in your school reading, so join us each term for a live virtual author event with some of the leading names in children's literature as they share their inspiration behind their books, set interactive writing exercises and answer your questions in a live Q&A.

Alex Falase-Koys and the cover of The Breakfast Club Adventures

Alex Falase-Koya talk and Q&A

Bring an author into your classroom for free!

Each half-term, 60 registered schools with the highest FSM percentage will receive 60 free books.

Suitable for: Year groups 3 and 4.

Date: 11am on 12 March

About Alex:

Children's author Alex has been reading and writing since he was a teenager.
His debut novel 'Marv and the Mega Robot' was inspired after Alex struggled to find superheroes in fiction who looked like him. By creating Marv, a superhero whose strengths are kindness and imagination, Alex hopes to have created a character to whom all children can relate. He is also the co-writer of Marcus Rashford's first fictional book, The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Beast Beyond the Fence. A previous winner of Spread the Word's 2019 London's Writers Awards for YA and Children's, Alex lives in Honor Oak with his two cats.

About The Breakfast Club Adventures: The Beast Beyond the Fence

There's something fishy going on at school . . .

When twelve-year-old Marcus kicks his favourite football over the school fence, he knows he's never getting it back. Nothing that goes over that wall ever comes back. But when Marcus gets a mysterious note inviting him to join the Breakfast Club Investigators, he is soon pulled into an exciting adventure with his new mates Stacey, Lise and Asim to find out what is lurking on the other side of the fence – and get his football back!
Dive into an exciting and mysterious adventure full of fun-filled friendships, fantastical creatures and incredible investigations inspired by Marcus Rashford's own experiences growing up.

Book your free spot

Why representation matters

Inclusive children's literature is vital. Children's books can act as mirrors, to reflect the readers' own lives, and also as windows, so readers can learn about, understand and appreciate the lives of others. They can shape how young readers from minority backgrounds see themselves as well as how readers from the more dominant culture see and understand diversity. The absence of an inclusive range of characters or creative role models in children's literature has the potential to deter children from minority backgrounds from reading and experiencing the associated benefits.

Read BookTrust's research with UCL on representation of people of colour among children's book creators

Read CLPE's research on ethnic representation of characters in children's literature here Reflecting Realities

If you're a teacher or school librarian, here's how you can shine a spotlight on diverse authors/illustrators and improve representation in your school.

Competition: The Book That Represents Me

We want to find the most compelling review of a book in which a child feels at least one aspect of their identity is authentically represented.

How to enter

Arrange a school visit

We do not arrange or accept requests for in-person author visits, however, our virtual author events are available and free for all schools nationally.

Bring reading to life in your school with an author visit.

Find out how to organise an author or illustrator visit

Find ways to connect with authors and illustrators on social media

Get in touch with Authors Aloud who can organise a visit for you

Make sure you use our Breaking New Ground brochure to discover more authors and illustrators of colour to bring to your school and also keep an eye on these pages!

Order diverse book packs

Get curated books for key stages 1-4

These useful book packs were selected by Letterbox Library, supported by BookTrust Represents:

UK Voices: British Authors and Illustrators of Colour Pack Key Stage 1 & 2

UK Voices: British Authors and Illustrators of Colour Pack Key Stage 3 & 4

More books to try

We've put together lists of some great books from writers and illustrators of colour that you might like to try.

BookTrust Represents: Picture Books

Check out some of our favourite picture books by authors and illustrators of colour. 

BookTrust Represents: Middle Grade

Have a look at the great middle grade books by authors and illustrators of colour. 

BookTrust Represents: Teen

Browse our list of brilliant teen/ya books by authors and illustrators of colour. 

Discover new authors and illustrators of colour

Emily Hughes

Emily Hughes likes to walk outside. When she draws and writes she doesn't want to tell children things plainly — she believes children can discover it themselves. Using three aids she tries to help children understand her stories. One is through environment; using something natural is comforting and familiar. Also, green is a special colour, and joyful …

Read more about Emily Hughes

Peter Kalu

Peter Kalu is the author of three young adult novels: The Silent Striker, Being Me and Zombie XI. The Silent Striker is a semi-autobiographical novel which tells the story of how the world of a teen boy, Marcus, changes when he finds himself becoming deaf. Marcus appears as a side character in Being Me, which features as main protagonist the neuro-atypical A…

Read more about Peter Kalu

Rikin Parekh

Rikin has a foundation degree from Camberwell College of Arts and a degree in illustration from the University of Westminster. After graduating, he worked as a production illustrator/creature designer, freelancing in the film industry, mainly working with monsters. He is a proud member of SCBWI-UK and has 300+ Spider-Man comics to his name. When Rikin isn’t …

Read more about Rikin Parekh

The Breaking New Ground brochure is the product of a joint initiative by Speaking Volumes, BookTrust and Pop Up Projects that showcases over 100 contemporary British writers and illustrators of colour, all creating quality literature, stories and images for children and young adults.

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Virtual Author Visit Library

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