Story Explorers for carers and parents
Story Explorers is a fun, playful story sharing programme. It is designed to support children and carers/parents to enjoy the benefits of shared reading and create joyful moments together.

With Story Explorers, you can choose how you engage with reading together. Every month, your kit will be delivered directly to you.
The kits include:
Two sensitively selected books chosen by panels of experts
Exciting play resources and ‘curiosity cards’ to support connection and give inspiration on playful ways to engage with the books.
The choice of a book buddy for each child
- Story kits delivered directly to carers to help children feel special
As part of the programme, you will be able to enter exclusive competitions, findbook recommendations online, and be invited to share your ideas, recommendations and feedback to extend the fun for all those taking part.
Story Explorers is funded by local authorities, fostering agencies and adoption agencies. If you like the sound of Story Explorers please register your interest here and we'll let you know if this programme is available in your area.