How does Letterbox Club work?

There are six different parcel sets to choose from - ranging from Early Years Foundation Stage up to Years 7 and 8 - with each one being an age-reference point only to allow you to choose the parcels that suit your children’s abilities and circumstances.


  • Purple - for children aged 3-5, Early Years Foundation Stage
  • Orange - for children aged 5-7, Years 1-2
  • Yellow - for children aged 7-9, Years 3-4 (the books selected for Yellow parcel are for emergent readers)
  • Blue - for children aged 7-9, Years 3-4 (the books selected for Blue parcel are for independent readers)
  • Red - for children aged 9-11, Years 5-6
  • Green - for children aged 11-13, Years 7-8

If a child who is working at a lower or higher level, you can choose the parcel set that will suit them most. Nothing inside the parcels states an age or year group.

How much does Letterbox Club cost?

The approximate RRP of the six parcels is over £230 but with generous discounts from our publishers and suppliers, BookTrust can offer this for just £157 per child (including VAT).  

For Virtual Schools (Local Authorities in England), Letterbox Club can be purchased through the Pupil Premium Grant, either directly by virtual schools, or by recommending this to schools at PEP meetings. 

For Schools in England, Letterbox Club can be purchased through the Pupil Premium Grant, or other funding used to support pupils experiencing disadvantage or vulnerability. 

If you are based in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland please visit the separate web pages to find out how you can purchase Letterbox Club.

What can I expect to find in a Letterbox Club parcel? 

Inside every parcel you’ll find a range of books from enticing picture books, page-turning fiction and engaging non-fiction on a variety of topics to suit all interests, as well as maths games to be enjoyed together and exciting stationery items for children to keep. 

Find out more about what's inside

How are the resources inside a Letterbox Club parcel chosen?

Every year the books in the parcels are carefully selected by an independent panel of experts with vulnerable children in mind to ensure that what your children receive is age-appropriate and sensitive to their circumstances.   

How is Letterbox Club delivered?

When enrolling your children for Letterbox Club, you’ll receive six parcels to be used at school or given to your vulnerable children to take home. They can be used flexibly and at a time that suits your school and children, and may be used over the summer holidays to alleviate the reading dip and as transition resources.   

Virtual Schools (Local Authorities) can choose from a range of delivery options including: 

  • Delivery to the local authority for onward distribution 

  • Direct delivery to the foster carer’s address (there is a charge for this option)

  • Delivery to schools for onward gifting

Please contact the team for more information by emailing or calling 020 7801 8805.

Registration for Letterbox Club 2024/25 is now open.

Sign up here

Take a sneak peek inside the Letterbox Club parcels

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