Plant yng Nghymru i fwynhau manteision rhigymau, caneuon a straeon dwyieithog wrth i ddigwyddiad blynyddol Amser Rhigwm Mawr Cymru BookTrust Cymru ddychwelyd 07/02/2025
Mae BookTrust Cymru, yr elusen ddarllen i blant, yn annog teuluoedd, ysgolion a lleolia...
Pecynnau BookTrust i deuluoedd sy’n ffoaduriaid 19/06/2024
Mae partneriaid BookTrust yng Nghaerdydd wedi bod yn cydweithio i gefnogi lles emosiyno...
In this section
Our projects are designed to help families enjoy reading together.
Children's Book Week
How to hold a Children's Book Week at your school: a week-long celebration of reading for pleasure.
Arrange an author or illustrator visit
Bringing a writer, poet, illustrator or storyteller into your school is a great way to inspire children and bring reading to life.
Resources to use
Find out about our resources
From fun lesson plans to posters for your children's centre, find out more and search for resources which are right for you.
Bookmark: books and disability
Information on disability and children's books
Find advice and book recommendations for families, teachers, librarians, authors and publishers.
Time to Read for families
There's no present like time
Let's read more with children because brilliant things happen when families find Time to Read. Every four-year-old in England will get a free book to enjoy and share this September, with Time to Read.
Latest updates
New books we love
Our favourite reads of the month
We review lots of new books every month, and here's where you can find the ones we liked best of all.