Leave a gift to BookTrust

By remembering BookTrust in your will, you can help children in years to come receive the books and support they need to get started on their reading journey.

Gifts like these can provide help to future generations of children, making sure that those most in need of some additional support don’t miss out and have the best start in life. Through reading, you can help them to unlock their creativity and imagination, achieve their potential and do well in school.

How will my gift be used?

At BookTrust, we are committed to making sure no child misses out on the transformative benefits that reading brings. We will ensure that all gifts, whatever size, are put to the best possible use; whether this is helping new parents understand the importance of reading to their baby from the start; or inspiring children starting school to enjoy the magic of stories; or making sure all children can see themselves and their experiences of the world in the stories they read.

A gift left in your will, will make an important difference to children in years to come.

How do I leave a gift in my will?

Once you have made provision for family and friends, please consider leaving BookTrust a share of what is left. You can speak to your solicitor about adding BookTrust to the charities you would like to remember.

There are two main ways of leaving a gift. A pecuniary legacy is a fixed amount of money. And a residuary legacy is a percentage or share of the balance of your estate once all other payments and gifts have been made.

If you do decide to leave a gift to BookTrust, you will need to include the following details:

BookTrust is a charity registered in England, Wales & Northern Ireland no. 313343.  Our registered address is: No. 1 Aire Street, Leeds, LS1 4PR

Our postal address is: BookTrust, G8 Battersea Studios, 80 Silverthorne Road, London SW8 5HE.

If you would like to tell us that you have included a gift, you can write to us at fundraising@booktrust.org.uk and we can thank you and let you know how your gift will help future generations of readers.

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