Funny children's books are celebrated as the Lollies 2018 winners are unveiled

Published on: 15 Chwefror 2019 Author: Catriona Wightman

Funny children's books have again been celebrated with the Lollies Awards, which have honoured the best humorous titles for young readers.

The Lollies 2018 winners

The winners - who were celebrated at a special awards ceremony at Park Primary School in London - were triumphant in three categories.

Best Laugh Out Loud Picture Book went to Mr Bunny's Chocolate Factory by Elys Dolan, while Best Laugh Out Loud Book for 6-8s was won by Emer Stamp for The Big, Fat, Totally Bonkers Diary of Pig.

And hit author Liz Pichon was honoured in the Best Laugh Out Loud Book for 9-13s category, winning for Tom Gates: Epic Adventure (Kind Of).

The winning books were first selected by a panel of judges before children voted for their favourite titles over a period of six months.

Head judge Michael Rosen said:

'It's fantastic to see the huge engagement from schools and children for the Lollies.
The books that children have chosen are all worthy winners but even more importantly, it's provided a focus for children to read for pleasure and discover the joy that funny books can bring.'

The Lollies Awards were set up by publishing company Scholastic following the end of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize in 2015.

Discover the full 2018 Lollies Award shortlist

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