What to Read After... The Treehouse books by Terry Denton and Andy Griffiths
Published on: 11 Mai 2022
Finished the Treehouse series and ready for your next dose of silliness? Here are the books that should be top of your list...
For incredible illustrations...
One of the great joys of the Treehouse series is that they are full of anarchic and hilarious illustrations. If your child really loved that – and a book with less text per page – they will love the hilarious Danger is Everywhere series by David O’Doherty and Chris Judge, in which famed Dangerologist Doctor Noel Zone explains why everything in life is hugely dangerous and generally to be avoided. In Loki: A Bad God’s Guide to Being Good Louie Stowell gives us the Norse god Loki in a doodle-filled easy read that is full of jokes and silliness, and in Lincoln Pierce’s Max and the Midnights there’s medieval-themed goings-on in a highly illustrated comic style novel.
Illustration: Louie Stowell
Books that tickle your funnybone...
For some other brilliant reads for 7-10 year-olds, Simon James Green’s The Sleepover Takeover is a recent and genuinely hilarious release that will appeal to boys and girls, featuring a sleepover that goes horrendously wrong and a cast of characters that modern kids will relate to. In Jen Carney’s Accidental Diary of B.U.G series eleven-year-old Billie Upton Green finds her way through a variety of hilarious and relatable life experiences including her two mums adopting a new baby and the drama of a school musical. Last, Jason Reynolds and Selom Sunu’s Look Both Ways features ten short stories chronicling the events of the walk home from school for ten students of the same school. As ever with Jason Reynolds, these are smart and relatable stories that capture exactly the way older primary school aged children think.
Illustration: Jen Carney
Graphic novels for slightly older readers
Last, for older readers who loved the Treehouse books’ humour and illustrated style when they were a bit younger, Katie Kirby’s The Catastrophic Friendship Fails of Lottie Brooks uses both to tell a funny story of friendship, starting secondary school, first bras and periods. The Emmie and Friends full colour graphic novel series by Terri Libenson hits the same tween age appeal and is a gentle and humorous series about life, school and friendship. Last, Lize Meddings’ The Sad Ghost Club isn’t a humorous read, but its accessible graphic novel style and theme of shyness is perfect for tweens who like short reads who may be struggling to find their way in the world, especially at school.
Illustration: Terri Libenson
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