How Bookbuzz encouraged independent reading in my school
Published on: 20 Mai 2019
We spoke to Charlie Hield, English teacher at Sidestrand Hall School, about how Bookbuzz has encouraged independent reading for his Year 7 and 8 students. Bookbuzz is a reading programme run by BookTrust that aims to help schools inspire a love of reading in 11 to 13-year-olds.
What difference has Bookbuzz made to your school and to your students?
'To get books into hands of students who may not have books at home was the best part about Bookbuzz. To see children hug a book after you have told them that it is theirs to keep was a special moment, it made the programme worthwhile. The books for the library have been a great boost and meant future students can enjoy the benefits too.'
How did the Bookbuzz resources help support you in creating a buzz about reading?
'The videos describing the books from student’s point of view were really helpful in the decision making for the students on what book to pick. The videos also added to the excitement that was building, to finally handing out the books to the students. The students just couldn’t wait to get their hands on their book.'
How has Bookbuzz promoted independent reading to your students?
'We have students who have limited or no access to books at home, and even though students can borrow books from our library, to own a book is a very different experience and you could see that from the reactions of the students when receiving their books. Bookbuzz has given those children the chance to take their reading home and not just limit it to school.'
How did you introduce Bookbuzz to your school, and how was it received?
'The idea was received with great enthusiasm from the Year 7 and 8 staff, and everybody couldn’t wait to share the news with the students. We told the students in a special assembly, explaining how the process would work and giving them a glimpse of the books on offer. There was a real buzz among the students and staff.'
What are the stand-out benefits of Bookbuzz, and why would you recommend Bookbuzz to other teachers?
'For anyone who loves books and reading you will know that the best part is sharing those stories with others. Bookbuzz gives you the chance to share stories with a great number of students for a minimal price and minimal work. The joy on the pupil’s faces was priceless and it was a great way to start the year for us and the students.'
Schools taking part in Bookbuzz give their students the opportunity to choose their own book to take home and keep from a list of 17 titles. They are all carefully selected by a panel of experts to ensure quality, suitability and to encourage reading for pleasure.
Topics: 9-11 years, Bookbuzz, Librarian, Teacher (secondary), KS3, Features