22 inspirational Dr Seuss quotes that you really need in your life

Published on: 2 Mawrth 2017 Author: Catriona Wightman

Dr Seuss is one of the most legendary children's authors ever, and he's having a very big month.

Dr SeussImage TM & © Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. 2017

Not only is 2 March the anniversary of Dr Seuss' birth, but The Cat in the Hat celebrates 60 years since it was first published on 12 March, so of course we had to celebrate.

And what better way to do that than by returning to the classics? We re-read some of our favourite Dr Seuss masterpieces to pick out the inspirational quotes that will motivate you, make you think... and give you a bit of a giggle too.

1. When all you want to do is read a good book

A quote from I Can Read With My Eyes Shut

Here's evidence from a doctor (even if not exactly a real one) that reading can transport you around the world. We need no further excuse to head to the library (especially because, as Dr Seuss points out, 'You have to be a speedy reader 'cause there's so, so much to read!')

2. Why you should treat everyone with kindness

A quote from Horton Hears A Who

We could all do with being a bit more like Horton.

3. For when you're feeling nostalgic

A quote from One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

There's more joy ahead - Dr Seuss says so.

4. When you feel like over-indulging

A quote from Dr Seuss' ABC

Don't say we didn't warn you. You don't want to be Silly Sammy Slick.

5. For those times you need a bit of a nudge

A quote from Oh The Places You'll Go

Your destiny is in your hands. Exciting, isn't it?

6. When you feel like abusing your power

A quote from Yertle The Turtle

Sure, it might be nice to be in charge... but ignore the little guys propping you up at your peril. We don't want to spoil anything, but let's just say that Yertle the Turtle found this out the hard way.

7. On those gloomy days

A quote from The Cat in the Hat

There's always a bright side.

8. When you need to be inspired

A quote from Oh The Thinks You Can Think

'THINK! You can think any THINK that you wish...'

9. When you're having a bad day in the mirror

A quote from Gertrude McFuzz

A welcome reminder that you're lovely just the way you are - don't go changing.

10. For those tricky dilemmas

A quote from What Pet Should I Get

Don't end up so torn that you end up empty-handed... take inspiration from this little guy choosing a pet ('I will make up the mind that is up in my head.')

11. When you need cheering up

A quote from Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are

It could always be worse.

12. For those times you really just need someone to go away

A quote from Marvin K Mooney Will You Please Go Now

We all have them.

13. When you're feeling powerless

A quote from Yertle The Turtle

The smallest thing can make the biggest difference. Forget the flap of a butterfly's wings - we much prefer world-altering burps.

14. If you're glued to your phone

A quote from I Can Read With My Eyes Shut

Look around - there's so much to see.

15. When you just need some good old-fashioned motivation

A quote from Oh The Places You'll Go

(But want to remain realistic.)

16. When you're feeling uninspired

A quote from Scrambled Eggs Super

You can make anything more exciting with a bit of effort (or a lot of effort in the case of Peter T. Hooper, who was probably very, very hungry by the time he'd collected his breakfast eggs from Twiddler Owls, Kweets and Stroodels among others).

17. To remind people that everyone is equal

A quote from The Sneetches

The Star-Belly Sneetches might have sniffed at the Plain-Belly Sneetches... but they soon discovered that they're all really the same. We could all learn from that.

18. When things have been getting you down

A quote from I Had Trouble In Getting To Solla Sollew

As Dr Seuss points out, 'there are troubles of more than one kind - some come from ahead and some come from behind'. You can try to run from them, or you can stand up and fight...

19. When you want to save the world

A quote from Yertle The Turtle

Everyone deserves to be free.

20. When you think you don't matter

A quote from The Lorax

You really do - Dr Seuss says so.

21. For those times you need reminding that you're special

A quote from Happy Birthday To You

You really are unique.

22. And, of course, for Christmas time...

A quote from How The Grinch Stole Christmas

If The Grinch can grow his heart by three sizes, all of us can.

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