Welcome to Sarah McIntyre's Big Red Book Show

Published on: 13 Chwefror 2017 Author: Sarah McIntyre

The immensely talented and down right wonderful illustrator Sarah McIntyre, who's work includes Vern and Lettuce and The Legend of Kevin, became our fifteenth Writer in Residence back in 2017. In this blog Sarah introduced herself and laid out her plans for her residency.

Sarah McIntyre

I'm so excited to be BookTrust's Writer-Illustrator in Residence!

I'm going to call it 'Sarah McIntyre's Big Red Book Show' (mostly because I love the colour red).

Sarah McIntyre's Big Red Book Show

Here are the three things I want to focus on for the next six months:

* Make BAD drawings!

Sarah McIntyre's Big Red Book Show

You might say, '...What?? I thought the whole point was to be good at drawing!' But that way of thinking often leads to people scrunching up their papers and giving up. Drawing is something anyone can do; don't be afraid to make mistakes... your out-of-control lines can make you laugh, and sometimes you'll even discover new interesting ways of drawing in a shape you made that looks just plain wonky. Be kind to your drawings, forgive them their foibles, and keep making more drawings. Sometimes the bad drawings are funnier or resonate more than photo-realistic drawings. If you want photo-realism, take a photo!

* Draw with other people!

Sarah McIntyre's Big Red Book Show

Drawing with other people can be fun; it helps us get ideas and discover drawing challenges. Help create the kind of community that encourages each other, where it's okay - even fun - to make mistakes together.

* Remember illustrators!

Sarah McIntyre's Big Red Book Show

Pictures can be an amazing way into stories. When you're raving about a book with pictures, don't forget to mention the name of the illustrator. Illustrators can be hugely inspiring to people of all ages! Read more out about my #PicturesMeanBusiness campaign and discover simple but effective ways you can support the amazing illustrators we have working in Britain right now.

Have a look at my website to see what kind of books I make, and click on each book cover for fun book-related drawing activities.

Sometimes drawing's a lot of carefree fun, and sometimes it's backbreaking hard work. But pictures are awesome, they can speak to everyone, and I look forward to reveling in them with you!

Meet our latest Writer in Residence

Every six months, BookTrust appoints a new Writer in Residence to write blogs, run competitions and give us their own unique perspective on the world of children's books. Our current Writer in Residence is Camilla Reid.

Find out more