Look at the beautiful new book from the late Siobhan Dowd

Published on: 24 Awst 2017

A classic short story about Irish travellers, by the much-missed Siobhan Dowd, is now a book – and Emma Shoard's illustrations are just the most beautiful tribute.

In 2004, the brilliant children's writer Siobhan Dowd wrote a short story called The Pavee and the Buffer Girl for an anthology on racism. 

The short story was an absolute highlight: a sensitively told tale of an Irish Traveller boy who faces everyday prejudice. 

Sadly, Siobhan passed away three years later.

Act of love and compassion

Ten years after the anniversary of Siobhan's death, Barrington Stoke have published her brilliant short story as a book. 

As author Patrick Ness puts it:

I think the story burned within Siobhan. And I think the reason it burned within her was because it was also an act of compassion, of empathy, an act – dare I say it – of love.

This 'act of love', The Pavee and the Buffer Girl, is now brought gorgeously to life by the illustrations of Emma Shoard.

Take a look for yourself in our gallery below - we're sure you'll agree. 

View the illustrations by Emma Shoard

Illustration by Emma Shoard from Pavee and the Buffer Girl
Illustration by Emma Shoard from Pavee and the Buffer Girl

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