Sharing books - as well as chocolate - this Easter

Published on: 22 Mawrth 2016

The evenings are getting lighter, the weather is (supposedly) getting warmer and Spring is officially here.

Sharing books - as well as chocolate - this Easter

One of the things children in particular most look forward to about this time of year is of course Easter. And who doesn't enjoy an excuse to gorge on crème eggs (I have eaten two whilst writing this sentence)?

If you are thinking of trying something different from chocolate eggs this Easter than books make a really lovely alternative Easter gift. They're also something that can be enjoyed over and over again (unlike chocolate, sadly).

Books are also perfect to share with loved ones at a time when families often get together to celebrate. Whatever your plans for Easter, here are a few ways to incorporate books into your celebrations:

  • Everyone enjoys the fun of an Easter Egg Hunt - why not add a different twist and include some books to find as well as (or even instead of) eggs?
  • Chose some books to read together whilst you eat your Easter Eggs - in my opinion books and chocolate go perfectly together!
  • Check out your local library or bookshop - lots will have special activities on over the Easter holidays for you to enjoy.
  • Challenge each other to find (and read) as many books about eggs, rabbits, chicks and chocolate as you can - you may find a new favourite!

Sharing books - as well as chocolate - this Easter

There are lots of lovely books that are perfect to enjoy at this time of year, here are just a few:

  • Hooray for Hoppy! (Tim Hopgood) - Lovely book about a rabbit waiting for Spring to arrive, illustrations are wonderful.
  • Meg's Eggs (Helen Nicoll & Jan Pienkowski) - Bold artwork and a funny story make this tale of Meg and her unusual spells perfect to enjoy together.
  • The Rhyming Rabbit (Julia Donaldson & Lydia Monks) - Bunnies aplenty in this story of a rabbit whose love for poetry isn't shared by the other animals until he meets a fellow enthusiast! Great to read aloud.
  • Spot's First Easter - Classic lift-the-flap tale of much-loved puppy Spot enjoying an exciting Easter hunt.
  • The Easter Story (Brian Wildsmith) - Lavishly illustrated version of the traditional Easter story.

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Gwnewch yn siŵr eich bod chi'n cael gwybodaeth ddiweddaraf BookTrust drwy gofrestru ar gyfer un o'n cylchlythyrau a chael erthyglau gwych, cystadlaethau a'r newyddion diweddaraf yn syth i'ch mewnflwch.

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