Freedom of information

Since 2005, the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) has given anyone, from anywhere, the right to request any information held by us. It places a duty on us to provide that information unless there’s a very good reason, defined according to law, why we should not.

A key part of our culture is a commitment to openness and transparency, particularly in our dealings with people and organisations. We feel that by opening up more of our organisation to the world we can promote integrity and trust. We therefore take our responsibilities under Freedom of Information very seriously. We are committed to openness and transparency in our dealings with people and organisations.

Information we publish

The Freedom of Information Act requires us to make certain kinds of information routinely available to the public in an index of publications known as a publication scheme. We are working to make more information more easily accessible to the public in line with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

If you have feedback or suggestions regarding the types of information which you would like to see on our website please send them to

Information on request

If you are unable to find the information you require on our website, you can make a request by e-mail directly to You should provide a name and address for correspondence and a description of the information you would like to see. You can also write to the Freedom of Information Officer at BookTrust, No. 1 Aire Street, Leeds, LS1 4PR.

Although you must submit a request in writing, if you have any questions and would like to speak to someone in person, you can contact us by telephone on 020 7801 8800.

Our historical records

Records of historical value are managed by us and are subject to the regulations of the Freedom of Information Act.