Win the complete Carnegies 2025 shortlists

We're giving you the chance to get your hands on all eight books nominated for the Carnegie Medal for Writing and the eight titles in the Carnegie Medal for Illustration category.

The front covers of the books nominated for the Carnegies 2025

The shortlists for the Carnegie Medals have just been unveiled at the London Book Fair - and we're giving you the chance to win all 16 nominated books!

The Carnegies, which celebrate outstanding achievement in children's writing and illustration, are judged solely by librarians - though each year thousands of reading groups in schools and libraries 'shadow' the awards and vote for their favourite books.

The nominated books for 2025 are:

Carnegie Medal for Writing

  • Treacle Town by Brian Conaghan (Andersen Press)
  • The Things We Leave Behind by Clare Furniss (Simon & Schuster UK)
  • The Final Year by Matt Goodfellow, illustrated by Joe Todd-Stanton (Otter-Barry Books)
  • King of Nothing by Nathanael Lessore (Bonnier Books UK)
  • Little Bang by Kelly McCaughrain (Walker Books)
  • Glasgow Boys by Margaret McDonald (Faber & Faber)
  • All That It Ever Meant by Blessing Musariri (Zephyr, Head of Zeus)
  • Play by Luke Palmer (Firefly Press)

Carnegie Medal for Illustration

  • The Invisible Story by Wen Hsu Chen, written by Jaime Gamboa, translated by Daniel Hahn (Lantana)
  • Grey by Lauren Child, written by Laura Dockrill (Walker Books)
  • I Love Books by Mariajo Ilustrajo (Quarto)
  • Clever Crow by Olivia Lomenech Gill, written by Chris Butterworth (Walker Books)
  • Letters in Charcoal by Juan Palomino, written by Irene Vasco, translated by Lawrence Schimel (Lantana)
  • Homebody by Theo Parish (Macmillan Children's Books)
  • Wolf and Bear by Kate Rolfe (Macmillan Children's Books)
  • Flying High by Yu Rong, written by Cao Wenxuan, translated by Simone-Davina Monnelly and Jake Hope (UCLan Publishing)

The winners will be unveiled at a special ceremony at the Cambridge Theatre in London on 19 June - but if you'd like to explore all the shortlisted books before then, this is your chance!

To be in with a chance of getting your hands on all 16 titles, simply answer the question below and leave your details before the closing date of 11pm on Tuesday, 8 April. Good luck!

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