The Smartest Giant in Town
Publisher: Macmillan Children's books
George is the scruffiest giant in town, so he buys a new outfit to smarten himself up. On the way home, however, he meets others who are in greater need of his clothes than he is, so he gradually gives away each new item of clothing.
His tie becomes a scarf for a giraffe and his shoe makes an ideal home for a family of mice. When he arrives home, the animals he has helped are all waiting for him with a thank you present.
The repetitive text in this lovely tale is great to read aloud and the colourful illustrations are full of amusing details.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Thomas, 8 Mehefin 2017
I read this to my daughter's a few nights ago, the eldest loved it. She got into the rhythm and loved bopping along to it.
H & A, 7 Mehefin 2017
Borrowed this one from the nursery library and my 4 year old loved Italian, he is a big fan of Julia
Linny, 3 Mehefin 2017
My little girl loves this book. It is a favourite for bedtime along with Gruffalo and Gruffalos Child
Peytonbear, 18 Mawrth 2017
A genuinely lovely modern children's book. Wonderful scripture, beautiful artistry and a message all children should learn as soon as possible. It's so refreshing to read a book that teaches children a really important life lesson about sharing, helping those worse off than yourselves and appreciation of what you have.
SAshkenazi, 6 Chwefror 2017
Another all time favourite that I have read over & over to my son, he absolutely loves it & will ask for it constantly, I actually know the words off by heart now!!
CSchembri, 25 Ionawr 2017
My 2-year-old and 3-year-old love this book. We always have a different one every bedtime but this one always inspires them to sing along.
M&MH, 27 Hydref 2016
Love this book. Latest edition to our Julia Donaldson collection. Girls love the story at bedtime. Story tells a lot & girls relate it to everyday.
Donatello, 15 Hydref 2016
Very good
Ethan 24, 12 Mehefin 2016
Again Julia outdone herself... absolutely fantastic book. Robert loves how the giant helps everyone out and it has helped him learn about sharing because the big giant shares all his things.
Roberts mummy, 30 Mawrth 2016
Fantastic book, same team behind The Gruffalo so it's a no-brainer with my 22-month-old son, who absolutely loves it. Some lovely opportunities for teaching your child about helping people, being kind & thankful for others who are kind to you. Plus it's great fun to read, sing the Giants song, and use a variety of different voices for all the animals. Just a wonderful book, a firm favourite.
J'aime, 23 Chwefror 2016
Anustarter, 12 Chwefror 2016
I like this book because the giant is kind and helps everyone. First George was the scruffiest giant in town but at the end he was the smartest one.It is a good book to read.Enjoy your reading!
Elsa, 9 Rhagfyr 2015
A fantastic story to read over and over again. My little boy loves to join in with this story and he even remembers parts of the book and reads along with me. Another fab story from a excellent author.
Noelbear, 30 Tachwedd 2015
We love seeing the the Giant help out the animals
Kat28, 19 Hydref 2015
It was my son Alex who has this book got from a charity shop so my Daughter Emily-Ann has it now she loves it as we ask her to find things on the page it's very colourful and a really good read.
mopsy, 1 Medi 2015
My son loves how the giant gives away his clothes and questions why he does that. Another book by Julia Donaldson that he loves.
Bee69, 10 Awst 2015
Another great by Julia Donaldson. Amelia loves it when Mummy sings the Giants song!
Munchkinmummy, 3 Awst 2015
A lovely bedtime book with a positive message at the end. My boy loves the rhyming and all the diffetent animals
Harrison, 6 Gorffennaf 2015
My little girl loves this story and I have fun creating all the different voices of the animals the giant meets and singing the song to a made up tune :-)
Mummybug, 17 Mehefin 2015
Our little one prefers when Daddy reads this book to him because he does a better George the Giant voice than mummy does. A great story anytime of day.
Nicoledr84, 5 Mehefin 2015
My son is a big Julia Donaldson fan, It was a pleasure to find this book! As much as i love the gruffalo, i was grateful mikey started asking for this at bedtime.
nat1991, 5 Mehefin 2015
My 3 year old son loves this book. She is a wonderful author. We read this a lot of nights in a row.
MV, 2 Mehefin 2015
My nearly2 yr old loves 'George' and enjoys spotting and naming all the different animals. She also finds it funny when his trousers fall down!
Claire, 26 Mawrth 2015
They loved it and understood the hidden messages.
Mum of 2 Girls, 14 Chwefror 2015
We loved this story, Elliot because he saw the giant helping others and had no clothes, I liked it because of the moral to it.
Elliot, 22 Tachwedd 2014
My son love's this book, He tries to read it to me from what he's heard me read, which I see as a positive
Blake100711, 16 Mai 2014
What a lovely story, a little long for my 11 month old daughter, but great pictures and a story for her to appreciate as she gets a little older.
Smpretty, 3 Ebrill 2014
My little girl loves this book, we read it almost every bedtime... I think its her favourite! She loves looking at all the pictures and doesn't stop shouting GIANT :)
SAMI123, 19 Mawrth 2014
I read this book to my daughter 4 to 5 times in a row, she just loves singing along, we then give it a break, only for her to ask daddy to read it again as soon he is home.
punpkin2014, 28 Ionawr 2014
My daughter doesn't mind this book, she seems to love and then hate it. I personally don't like it and find reading it a chore. When Julia is on top form her books are fantastic (Room on the Broom, One Mole Digging a Hole, The Gruffalo etc) but other books (this one, The Rhyming Rabbit, Zog) just feel rushed almost as though they are written in one sitting without being reviewed afterwards. But regardless for periods my little one does enjoy this book and some parts are lovely to read alou...
FJB, 28 Ionawr 2014
I started reading this book to my 12 week old daughter from 10 weeks old along with other books but this one is a winner. She loves looking at all the different coloured pictures and this is the first book that has calmed my baby down when she is up set and it was the first book that made her smile. She likes to watch my facial expressions whilst I'm reading it to her especially the bit that starts off " my tie is a scarf for a cold giraffe......" This is now our bed time story and she nev...
Kieshka , 3 Tachwedd 2013
My 4 year old son got this book on his 3rd birthday and its been a favourite since. With loveable characters and building rhythm its one of my son's 'by the bed' books for immediate choice at bedtime.
TrinityNova, 9 Hydref 2013
Amazing book !! Lovely for all the family I love these authors
Elliehollie, 28 Awst 2013
This is a fabulous story live reading it when it's asked for which is quite often. My three year old even now knows the rhyme which is great every time it comes up we play what's the missing word in the song and he knows instantly!
TinyAlly, 12 Gorffennaf 2013
anjelprincess, 11 Gorffennaf 2013
good book
anjelprincess, 11 Gorffennaf 2013
With my son being autistic, I worked really hard to instil reading as a pleasure, rather than a chore. He now loves anything by Julia Donaldson and can recite The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo’s Child by heart.
Bookstart Parent, 8 Gorffennaf 2013
Really good book loved reading it my son and he loved turning the pages with me.
Rachel , 21 Mai 2013
i love reading this book and singing along with the giant's song, both my daughters and my nephew love this book i also bought a copy of this book for my nephew so he can enjoy it at home with his mum. fantastic book :)
samb27=, 27 Ebrill 2013
lovely rhymes. My 4 year old boy loves this and we read this at least once a week
bookmadbronnie, 25 Ebrill 2013
Me and my oldest son like this book. It's a good way of learning how to be kind and to share.
Irwin, 2 Ebrill 2013
My 3 yr old loves this book - as well as the books to read at bedtime, we have a Julia Donaldson CD we listen to in the car (preferable to nursery rhymes!). This is his favourite (even over the usual fave the Gruffalo) and he can quote it word for word! I'm looking forward to my 9m old being old enough to start enjoying it too. It has also spawned a common quote in our house "Cheer Up!"
T'Andersons, 23 Tachwedd 2012
Hannah really enjoyed this book she likes to read it overe and over again the story will never get old for her very good x
hannahbannana, 28 Hydref 2012
I like this book
abissek, 2 Medi 2012
My 2 girls love this book one of the favourites.
minnie mouse, 18 Gorffennaf 2012
I have this book at home, and I read it at school, too. The giant starts out very smart because he had nice clothes, but lots of animals asked for his clothes, and he gave them away. His pants even fell down, which was funny, but also sad. But at the end, he got a crown because he was now the kindest giant in town. - William, age 5
3Boys, 8 Gorffennaf 2012
another great julia donaldson book. my son loves it we read it a least twice a week.good use of words which repeat through the book, with good son knows it off by heart now!!
eve, 20 Mehefin 2012
Brandon loves this book, his Nanny bought it for him, He loves the story and i love the fact it is about being nice to others, bright illustrations and lots to talk about
penelope, 8 Mehefin 2012
I pick this book up just because it was there and i wanted to keep my 4mth old entertained whilst waiting for story time at our local library to start. I was really glad that I did its great story would recomend it to a friend.
Tyler's Mummy, 17 Mai 2012
Chloe had seen this book at Nursery & asked to get it from the library. We found it & borrowed it, Chloe loves having it read to her & enjoys telling me the story too.
EmmaG, 27 Ebrill 2012
We love this book, my twins particularly enjoy the illustrations and identifying the different animals in the background. As well as the rhymes which recount the different people that have been helped by the giant. A favourite in our house!
Annie1981, 23 Ebrill 2012
We love this book about the rewards of being kind to those around you.
donnarattray, 7 Tachwedd 2011
We love this rhymming story about this kind giant