The Lizzie and Belle Mysteries: Drama and Danger
Publisher: Farshore
Lizzie Sancho and Dido Belle come from very different walks of life. Lizzie lives with her large family in their tea shop in the heart of busy London. Dido is a lonely heiress living with her aunt and uncle in a mansion near Hampstead Heath. But when they catch each other’s eyes at the theatre one night, each is delighted to see another Black girl her own age. And when Lizzie’s actor father is nearly killed by a falling chandelier, they both know it wasn’t an accident.
They team up, making notes and following suspects – until they’re plunged into terrible danger themselves. Can Lizzie and Belle navigate their new friendship, and stop the would-be murderer?
Packed with atmosphere and charged with tension, this is a hugely enjoyable mystery set in the dangerous Georgian era. It was particularly dangerous if you were Black, and this is explored in an age-appropriate way. The support and passion within the Black community (and Lizzie’s own family) is brilliantly depicted, shot through as it is with sadness about their brothers and sisters who are still in slavery. Yet there is hope and joy and love too.
This would be an excellent class read, as well as one to curl up with in a cosy corner.
Mae Lizzie Sancho’n byw gyda’i theulu mawr yn eu caffi yng nghalon Llundain brysur. Mae Dido Belle yn aeres unig sy’n byw gyda’i modryb a’i hewythr mewn plasty ger Hampstead Heath. Ond pan maen nhw’n dal llygaid ei gilydd yn y theatr un noson, mae’r ddwy wrth eu boddau o weld merch Ddu arall o’r un oed.
A phan mae tad Lizzie, sy’n actor, bron yn cael ei ladd gan siandelïer sy’n cwympo, mae’r ddwy yn gwybod nad damwain oedd hyn. A fedr Lizzie a Belle ddefnyddio’u cyfeillgarwch newydd a stopio’r darpar lofrudd?
Yn llawn awyrgylch a thensiwn, mae hwn yn ddirgelwch pleserus wedi’i osod yn y cyfnod Sioraidd.
Canllaw Llyfrau Gwych Cymru 2023: 10-11
Y llyfrau gorau o 2023 yn Gymraeg, Saesneg ac yn ddwy-ieithog ar gyfer plant 10-11 oed.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Iona, 26 Ionawr 2025
Love it
Amanda, 8 Awst 2023
I really enjoyed this book because the main character was African and not many books have African main characters. I also liked the main characters were based on real people. I would really recommend it.