The Gruffalo
Publisher: Macmillan
In this much-loved picture book, a little mouse walks through the woods and encounters a fox, an owl and a snake.
To fend them off, he tells each about the scary Gruffalo - but when the mouse actually encounters the Gruffalo himself, he cleverly invents another tale and manages to escape from danger yet again.
Blending a suspenseful story with a rhyming text and wonderful illustrations, this is the perfect interactive picture book - and a deserving family favourite.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Logan, 9 Mehefin 2017
My son loves this book it's been a favourite bedtime story since he was about 2 years old
Thomas, 8 Mehefin 2017
2nd book we read by the author, given as part of a birthday party gift bag and a firm favourite in our house.
Linny, 3 Mehefin 2017
My baby likes me doing the different voices for the characters. The pictures are nice colours for both my baby and toddler.
Long stockings, 16 Mai 2017
My son loves this book. He believes the Gruffalo lives in the forest near where we live. He regularly pretends to be a Gruffalo. He even has a Gruffalo outfit which I have to read the story to him while he walks about growling!
Riley, 2 Mai 2017
Read this to my 16-week-old ... she loved the pictures and the different voices... she seemed to get excited at the rhythm of the story.
Hope, 4 Ebrill 2017
In my little girl's top 5, she knows it by heart! One of the best children books.
Lizurek, 28 Chwefror 2017
We started with"The Gruffalo" which is now a firm favourite with my son. So he was thrilled when I read "The Gruffalo's Child" to him at bed time. He now regularly requests this story, we sit cuddled up together reading, with my son happily chatting about what is going to happen next. This is a story loved by us both.
locloc, 26 Chwefror 2017
My son loves this book especially with the sound bar
Nicjooste, 25 Chwefror 2017
A modern children's classic. Beautiful artistry and smooth flowing scripture, you can never go wrong with this children's fiction power duo. Easily my child's favourite book. I have read it so many times I can now recite it!!
SAshkenazi, 6 Chwefror 2017
Great rhymes and illustrations.
Daddymango, 22 Ionawr 2017
We read this story over a couple of story sessions, William enjoyed my voices as I changed them for different characters.
Babba mushroom, 4 Ionawr 2017
My son loves this book! We have all the stuffed characters who obviously have to read along with us.
Stanley, 29 Rhagfyr 2016
My little girl loves this story. The repetition helps her to remember what comes next and she enjoys joining in as I read. A fun story.
littlereader123, 19 Rhagfyr 2016
My 2-year-old daughter loves the rhyming in this book, never gets bored with it.
Sara27, 7 Rhagfyr 2016
Read this book to my little boy from when he was in the womb and now he gets so excited when I read it to him. Excellent book, he loves it when I give the animals different voices.
Rileychamaleon16, 29 Tachwedd 2016
This is a lovely book. My son loves it.
Akshan, 3 Tachwedd 2016
This is my daughter's favourite book. It was recommended by a few of my friends. I borrowed a copy from one of them and my daughter insisted that we read it every night for a week! It got to the point where she knew the words and said them out loud each time. She gets very excited each time we read it and she can now recite it from memory. A must-read book!
Mrskelly1985, 2 Tachwedd 2016
One of our favourite stories, we love doing all the different animal voices! Highly recommended bedtime book.
Bettydean, 24 Hydref 2016
Lovely book, really liked it!
cherylames, 19 Hydref 2016
Beautiful book which Oliver enjoys reading and talking about the illustrations.
Rainbow5, 12 Hydref 2016
I love reading this book to my little one. It is fun and interesting and the story is great.
Liz F, 26 Medi 2016
I read this book to Stacey when I was carrying her and I felt her kick me, we read it together again at a week old and she loved it!
Babystacey, 27 Awst 2016
Lovely story of a mouse and an imaginary monster.
Katemate80, 20 Awst 2016
Brilliant story!
Piglet15, 15 Awst 2016
Brilliant story, my 3-year-old daughter loves to read it at home and at nursery. would deffo reccomend.
Readingtree789, 14 Gorffennaf 2016
Great book.
Urs, 13 Gorffennaf 2016
My daughter loves this book and we point to the different bodyparts.
Miss hamp, 6 Gorffennaf 2016
Without a doubt my favourite children's book. I love reading it to my son and the animated version of it has brought the book to life in an extraordinary way.
Leonosaurus, 26 Mehefin 2016
Shared this book with some nursery children, when I did my ta course and they all loved it, even though some had seen it on the tv it was great to change my voice to the different characters - a fun book.
Linny, 23 Mehefin 2016
We have made a story sack for this book to bring the story to life. My son absolutely loves seeing it being acted out! The rhyming and repetition is also great for memory building as my son now anticipates what is about to happen on each page!
Sharon1, 18 Mehefin 2016
We like to read this book as a family doing the voices for each animal and letting the kids say the words they remembe. We all enjoy the Gruffalo.
Roryava, 16 Mehefin 2016
All time favourite in our house
Kraig, 1 Mehefin 2016
I loved it when small so at a library story time ask them to read it alot and my liitle one pronounces gruffalo as "alo " "alo" amused when I hear It
srikar, 13 Ebrill 2016
I bought a book pack all from Julia Donaldson and my little man also loves this he joins in and stamps and pretends to be a gruffalo. This is also good because the kids can join in and read along as it rhymes and repeats itself slightly so it's easy for them to read along.
Roberts mummy, 30 Mawrth 2016
A beautiful story about a courageous mouse who outfoxes the woodland creatures who intend on eating him as he takes a stroll through the forest. Great illustrations and although my son will not often sit for a longer story, he adores this classic.
OmarT, 28 Mawrth 2016
The Gruffalo Sound Book - my daughter loved pressing the buttons to get the animal sounds. This made the story more interactive as she had to press the correct sounds with the symbols in the book.
JHR, 23 Mawrth 2016
Rory loves this book so much that mummy knows it by heart. He has learnt words such as fox, mouse, eyes etc .
RoryBear10, 12 Mawrth 2016
My child loves it. She gets it out herself to look at and touches each picture or she gives it to us to read and she laughs at the animals. Fantastic pictures and rhyming. We have borrowed it from the library and have renewed it at least once.
cutie14, 5 Mawrth 2016
Really engaging and fun to read together
Kym687, 4 Chwefror 2016
Excellent book, really recommend a read and definitely gets your childs imagination working.
Charlotte, 14 Ionawr 2016
We loved the book. In fact we went to see the musical theater show in London too. My daughter simply loves it and narrates roasted fox, scrambled snake etc.
Mihika, 5 Tachwedd 2015
We have a Gruffalo teddy who helps mummy tell the story. I like it when the Gruffalo first appears. He is not very scary though
AlfieA, 20 Hydref 2015
Love this book
Kat28, 19 Hydref 2015
We read this book over and over again and my little one never tires of it... She even reads it back to me now! That 'fearsome' mouse has her in stitches as it tricks all those other creatures.
Mel&Wil, 6 Hydref 2015
We love sharing this book at bedtime. I have been reading it to Lilly since she was tiny and now at 18 months she is very familiar with it, she points at the pictures and gives the mouse a kiss at the end. I love the rhyming story and the great illustrations
LillyJ, 19 Medi 2015
My 18month old absolutely loves this book and the gruffalos child he will fetch them to me to read its so cute we recommend xx
we love books!!, 26 Awst 2015
The story and illustration is great, it really captures jago's imagination. He learnt about different animals and loved the rhythms. It's a book he never tires of.
michael r, 24 Awst 2015
This book was recently brought to life for us with puppets during a Bounce and Rhyme session at our local library. Young children of various ages were captivated. A clever and fun story of brains triumphing over brawn!
Mummy Bear 16, 6 Awst 2015
My little boy loves the different voice that we use for the animals. X fab book
Miss G, 31 Gorffennaf 2015
My little girl loves this book. It is our regular bedtime read.
Duds, 27 Gorffennaf 2015
My son is 2 and absolutely loves the Gruffalo and all the Julia Donaldson books. Highly recommended
Millsey, 28 Mehefin 2015
One of our favourites. An absolute classic!
Fletch1615, 21 Mehefin 2015
My little girl loves this book. She acts out each character and repeats her favourite sentences over and over again.
Ellabella2011, 8 Mehefin 2015
Although Isla is only 5wks old, as I read the story to her she was alert and smiling. As a nursery nurse this story is one of my all time favourites, along with a lot of the other Julia Donaldson books.
IslasMumma, 5 Mehefin 2015
Read the book was well written and exciting. There is good meaning behind the story. Child really enjoyed it. Lovely pics and very colourful. It is fun and exciting book to enjoy with your child.
r.k, 26 Mai 2015
I love reading this book to my 3 month old son, I read it at bedtime and because it's a rhyme it helps to send him to sleep. This has made our bedtime routine work perfectly!
LouD, 20 Mai 2015
Prior to reading this with my son, I was frankly fed up of hearing about it! However, as soon as we shared it, it became clear why it's such a firm favourite with everyone! Cheery, rhyming story that oozes charm with lovely, bright illustrations. My little boy loves to snuggle up and listen and equally, "read" the book to himself while he strokes the pictures! A definite modern classic.
NickiHogan89, 3 Mai 2015
We love reading this to our 14 month old and he loves it too
natzeh, 31 Mawrth 2015
Awesome.... read it all the time.
Little Nat, 28 Mawrth 2015
Very imaginative story to share with a child
Kcala, 27 Mawrth 2015
After doing this book at nursery we made a gruffalo and went on a gruffalo hunt My 3 year old loved it
Livigc, 26 Mawrth 2015
Love this book and Thomas enjoys looking at the beautiful illustrations. A real favorite for us!
rmcope, 25 Mawrth 2015
We read this book before and lots of times after going on a Gruffalo trail, Kids love the story and all the crafts that can go along side it
foster, 20 Mawrth 2015
Super and enjoyable read.
Albie, 17 Mawrth 2015
Caolan loved this book and knows it word for word he now talks about woods and animals you find and had to go looking for the snake and owl and fox.
brogeybops, 12 Chwefror 2015
Lovely book
Knewt5, 9 Chwefror 2015
Wonderful book! Dexter loves anything by Julia Donaldson!
Dextersmummy, 6 Chwefror 2015
A great book. The rhyming is fun and easy to read. Sasha loves it.
Sasharoo, 28 Ionawr 2015
my little one and i loved the book! we read it so many times that i know it by heart. the smart little mouse overcomes the challenges that come in his way. i found the rhyme very musical.
space mummy, 23 Ionawr 2015
Absolutely brilliant read & love the illustrations:) My daughter loves the voices!
bugsy, 22 Ionawr 2015
Great book to share with children of all ages. My daughter loves the different characters and now that she can read she reads the part of the mouse.
Nici79, 22 Ionawr 2015
My son absolutely loves this book! I love reading it to him. I love that he learns from the repetition and rhyming! Definitely recommend this book. I've read this to him since he was tiny and he will sit and listen to the whole story at just 1 year old!
Mamabear13, 16 Ionawr 2015
I thought this book was great!
FrozenFairy, 5 Ionawr 2015
Really enjoyed this book very lyrical. It sucks you into the deep dark wood with precise descriptions.
Grouch, 18 Rhagfyr 2014
Both of my children have enjoyed this book from an early age, and my son loves reading it to his little sister - and she loves the voices he puts on for each character!
Ben and Poppy's Mummy, 11 Rhagfyr 2014
We loved The Gruffalo, great flow to the story and we read it over and over again. Family favourite.
Jk3000, 27 Tachwedd 2014
Awesome son first got scared of Gruffalo...but now he enjoys it..does not sleep without reading it!
pad, 20 Tachwedd 2014
We love this book. My daughter enjoys sharing it with her older cousins and loves Mummy signing the story. We love taking a stroll through the deep dark wood. The repetition and rhymes are fantastic.
Sophiebeth23, 14 Tachwedd 2014
Although Tilly is only 6 weeks I love reading this book to her. A must for every child's bookshelf
Tilly B, 7 Tachwedd 2014
This is one of my favourites and we are also doing it at school and making lots of gruffalo things.
Pickle, 2 Tachwedd 2014
Another favourite of mine and my daughter's: we shared this at toddler group. The actions are the best!
Chezilly, 18 Hydref 2014
My daughter loves this book. She has listened the story in the playgroup and she asked me to buy the book to read it all together, with daddy and little brother. It's so funny!
Vendes, 16 Medi 2014
We loved this book when first first read with our son, and that feeling just grew and grew. A true family favourite.
Team Terry, 6 Medi 2014
What an amazing book, this book has been entertaining children in our family for years, and it will carry on entertaining children in our family for many years to come. :)
Alahna26, 21 Gorffennaf 2014
We love this book! A firm favourite!
Blanky Bear, 30 Mehefin 2014
My one year old loves this book and gets very excited to turn the pages.
Roberta1, 16 Mehefin 2014
We read this book nearly everyday, the rhythm and flow of the words is great for soothing a fussy 7 month old.
SleepingTink, 28 Mai 2014
This is the first book we read together he loves it
Erik, 15 Mai 2014
I've just started reading this with my 20 month old daughter and she loves it! I was surprised she was willing to sit so still and patient to listen to it, and now she asks for it again and again!
Tessa3705, 19 Ebrill 2014
Both of my children love this story and we regularly have to role play the story at home and at the park, hiding from the gruffalo
rmccollin, 16 Ebrill 2014
Loved the book, great story and fantastic illustrations.
JDPD, 25 Mawrth 2014
we read this at children's centre, everyone was transfixed
mcn28, 14 Mawrth 2014
As it was world book day yesterday we went shopping with our daughter to find a new book to add to her growing collection. This was the book Holleigh chose. We read it at bedtime and she absolutely loved it, we had lots of giggles. The rhymes are brilliant to keep little readers interested and she enjoyed pointing at mouse in each picture. I can see this becoming a favourite of hers. She's 14 months old and she LOVES books :)
MummaK, 7 Mawrth 2014
My 4 year old son loves this book. We have read it many many times. He loves all the characters and enjoys describing the Gruffalo.
Jo, 26 Chwefror 2014
I first read this book, she was probably too young, so I thought, she just loved the rhymes, and soon memorized the end of each sentence, it was so much fun to read it together, as I would start and she would finish, still a year on it's one of her favourites, and mine.
punpkin2014, 28 Ionawr 2014
Our Eva loved all the charactors in this book. She enjoyed acting the part.
Bookwormer, 21 Rhagfyr 2013
I've been reading to roo since he was only a few days old and he is five months now. We first read the gruffalo when he was about 2 months and he still gets excited when I start to read the story now or get his board book for him to look at the pictures.
Roo's mummy, 12 Tachwedd 2013
This is my Husbands favourite book and he knows it almost by heart. When my son wants to it read he takes it to one of us and climbs next to us so he can turn the pages,(usually faster than we can read). The best part is when he sees the Gruffalo he growls and smiles.
Cori 10, 10 Tachwedd 2013
I have shared this book with my two girls for some time now, they both know all the words and join in every time :)
Lioness77, 20 Medi 2013
I've bought it quite recently for my 18 month-old boy. I was curious myself what the Gruffalo was. My little one usually doesn't let me finish the book if the story is that long, but he was captivated with the illustrations and even asked to read it again.
Mum of Little Angel, 10 Medi 2013
This was a gift (jigsaw book form) for a 2nd birthday, my son loves the rhymes and the jigsaw although he's not quite got the hang of matching the pictures.
WeezeJ, 5 Awst 2013
I have shared this book with both my 1 year old and 6 six year old and they absolutely love it. They love to describe the Gruffalo and still get exited every time when he makes an appearance.It is definitely a family favourite :)
Leanne..., 2 Awst 2013
Love this book, first read it at the library and then bought my little girl the set. they are a little to long for her at the minute but she loves her books so look forward to reading this to her a lot more.
bpullen, 18 Gorffennaf 2013
My daughter got the Gruffalo and the Gruffalo's Child books as a birthday present (it was her 3rd birthday) and they immediately became her favourites. She knows the Gruffalo almost by heart (with some help from mummy or daddy) and we often recite it on our way to gymnastics classes or when we are waiting for our order in a restaurant or a cafe.
Both books are a pleasure to read and work great to train a child's memory as you just can't stop reciting them. They are also brilliant for...Rufina, 10 Gorffennaf 2013
My son loves this story
Dusty Bin, 8 Gorffennaf 2013
harry loved this book and so did mummy
karla, 4 Gorffennaf 2013
This is a great book, it appeals to all ages. Both our sons (7months and 3years) love it and its a delight to read.
Tigger67, 24 Mehefin 2013
I love the story of Gruffalo, and even though my daughter is only a year I read it to her and to my surprise she politely listened. I would recommend it to all older children.
mynameisluka, 19 Mehefin 2013
My one year old daughter absolutely loves this rhyming book, and especially likes it when we get to the Gruffalo's nose and she points to her own! The pictures are very colorful and encourage interaction.
Mommy&Bella, 8 Ebrill 2013
My 5 month old son loves this book, we have read it to him almost every day for the last 3months! I think it's the rhyming, we all love the gruffalo! Infact we love all Julia Donaldsons books! Fantastic x
Hannah, 28 Mawrth 2013
At the moment my little one is too small to really understand the story so its more about me putting voices on, looking at the colours and her just enjoying the time with me but i love reading this book to her, i never get bored of it.
kezza123, 26 Mawrth 2013
When we first read this book Anton was a bit scared and we didn't get to the end. A couple of months later he now loves it. The rhymes are great and we love describing all the different animals in the illustrations.
Anne, 22 Mawrth 2013
We bought this book after it was televised at Christmas. I love doing the different voices. My son loves anything that is remotely scary.
Linds009, 18 Mawrth 2013
Both my boys love this book! My eldest aged 4 has been reading it for a while and knows the words. It has really helped his reading confidence
Tyler&Jacob, 1 Mawrth 2013
This is an engaging story of a clever little mouse. My toddler loves reading the Gruffalo!
Skirgo, 26 Chwefror 2013
Fraser loves this story and we read it to him over and over. He loves Room on the broom too. He even joins in with the story he's been read them so much!
Fraser , 21 Ionawr 2013
This book is great and I think it is fab that the BBC made an animation of it- as a family this is a firm favourite!
BooksAreFab, 11 Ionawr 2013
As you can probably tell from my name, this is my son's absolute favourite book, it was the first bedtime story that we read to him when he was 4 months old and he still loves to hear it 15 months later. The story and rhymes are great as are the brilliant illustrations. We love it.
Gruffalo'smum, 21 Rhagfyr 2012
A rare book that is enjoyed by both child and adult.
AliceInWonderland, 10 Tachwedd 2012
Fantastic story! We also bought the touch & feel edition Matthew loves it!!
fiona&matthew, 7 Tachwedd 2012
I started reading the gruffalo to my daughter when she was 1, she's now 2 1/2 & it's still 1 of the favourites, in fact it's been read so much she reads what she can remember to her 18mth old brother.
lrb79, 6 Tachwedd 2012
This Is One Of My 4 Year Old Daughters Favorite Books And Knows It Off By Heart she Likes To Join IN When We Read It
Kelly Maisy's Mummy, 24 Hydref 2012
My Girls Love This Book (3 yrs & 2 yrs) and it's one of our favourites to read together!
MayyahQayyah1, 16 Hydref 2012
My son loves this book he has had it read to him so many times he can finish off most of the sentances.
Nicki.j245, 15 Hydref 2012
My son not only loves this book because it rhymes but even finishes the sentences.Great characters
The Gruffalo, 8 Hydref 2012
I have shared this book with Lucy since she was a bump still in my tummy. She is now one and it is part of our bedtime routine, she loves it :0)
Sam Lucy's mummy, 29 Medi 2012
My son loves the book, loves the cartoon. Just a fantastic story.
efcrgreat, 13 Medi 2012
The Gruffalo is my oldest son's favourite book, he loves me doing the different voices & even does them himself now. A fab book to share
JakeLewis, 16 Awst 2012
I have been reading this book to my son since he was very tiny. Seems to love it. It's had lovely pictures and a poem/ rhyme throughout. Of course every story needs a monster! I see this in being a favourite in the future.
helly_mummy_mcmillan, 15 Awst 2012
Adore this book my little one chooses this book as one of his bedtime books nearly every night and never gets bored of it. And got to admit I love it too.
Joshua'sMummy, 12 Awst 2012
We love reading this book together.
Ladybird, 10 Awst 2012
my daughter loves this book she reads along to it and when ever we go pass lots of trees she starts telling the story
Ejgolden, 10 Awst 2012
Eva is only 11 months old but Eva loves this story. She gets excited when she comes across the different animals. We have read the story to her a number of times but she still brings it back to us time after time to re read. I love Julia Donaldson stories they are all fantastic and easy to read and the rhyming makes them easy to remember. I am a supply teacher and even junior children love The Gruffalo and other stories by Julia Donaldson.
HayleyV, 8 Awst 2012
I love Julia Donaldson's books! They are illustrated beautifully and are lovely books to share at bedtime. The Gruffalo is one of our favourite books at home & my son always smiles & coos to the pictures.
tigerty, 26 Gorffennaf 2012
Kids love this book would read to all ages. And as a follow up there are the other books in the seires like smartest giant in town etc
mj_brooks, 25 Gorffennaf 2012
This is a favourite bedtime story, we have a little plush Gruffalo and my daughter loves to cuddle and play with it as we read the story. I love to do the different voices and my daughter can recite a lot of the book having been listening to it for over a year. She's now 3 and often recites parts during imaginitve play. We love the illustrations and the rhyimg aspects of the book. Julia Donaldson is a firm favourite in our house :)
Dizzydonuts, 9 Gorffennaf 2012
I shared this book with my godson when he was younger, and ended up knowing it off by heart! I bought the board book version for my son as his first book, and love reading it after his bath, complete with the different voices for the snake, owl, fox etc.
E, 17 Mehefin 2012
My little girl loves this book and its such fun to read!!
aylatif, 11 Mehefin 2012
A fantastic book - it is just as wonderful now reading it to my daughter as it was when my mum read it to me.
Sophies mummy, 8 Mehefin 2012
This was a present for Rufus' first Christmas from his big sister when he was just a week old. We have read it to him most nights since then and now, at almost 18 months old it is definately one of his favourite books along with The Gruffalo's Child. It was particularly amusing when Rufus began sounding out "Oh help, oh no, it's a Gruffalo" at around 9 months :0) I would highly recommend this book for any child.
Mummy of Rufus Rascal Pants, 5 Mehefin 2012
A definite favourite in our house... my son was bought this when he was born and it's been read 100's of times... never gets boring!
sarahlou1980, 1 Mehefin 2012
All the children I look after love this book so much it's always top of the list when I ask them to choose a story for me to read, from babies to 8 year olds they never get fed up of it and always join in.
Little Ducklings Childminding, 11 Mai 2012
My son loves this book to read time and time again, a truly great book for all ages.
jacob, 7 Mai 2012
We first read this book when he was 1and he got given it for his birthday. she is a amazing author and we now not only own her vast collection off books dvds but we also been to theater show and own three mouses as a direct result. Helped my sons speech and his understandin of creatures and what's make believe and not. Perfect family book as are all hers would also recommend zog by same author
mummytocalebjack, 6 Mai 2012
My daughter had this book when she was 2 & still enjoys it now aged 4. We also have the Gruffalo memory game which she loves playing & reciting lines from the book which are included. The story has a lovely rhythm to it & is really well illustrated.
EmmaG, 27 Ebrill 2012
my boys enjoy this book they know most of the words.
mummy of 3, 25 Ebrill 2012
An instant hit in our house. Matthew refers to this book as "teeth" (Terrible Teeth in his terrible jaws).
Mummy often recites to him when out and about and we play game together pointing at different parts of our bodies that correspond with Julia's rhyme such as knobbly knees or turned out toes
... we have a peg jigsaw of the gruffalo too and will go through the Gruffalo story as we complete the jigsawMamigz, 10 Ebrill 2012
When my daughter was younger this book scared her, but its now a firm favourite in our house, along with The Gruffalos Child xx
EviesMumma, 26 Mawrth 2012
We thouroughly enjoyed this very descriptive book, and the very clever mouse who managed to outwit all the other animals. We just loved the end when mouse settles down to have his snack. Love the way the story rhymes
DMT, 16 Mawrth 2012
enoch likes this book very much
ikkukukku, 12 Mawrth 2012
I have been reading this to my son for a while and now he is 4 months old he loves the different characters. He has started to laugh all the way through this book.
Kellib, 5 Mawrth 2012
we all enjoyed this book every night for a month
booktime lyn, 2 Mawrth 2012
Daniel is only 6 months old but we love reading this with him and trying to do all the different voices.
mummydaddyanddaniel, 1 Mawrth 2012
We've read this story 8 times in the month we've had it, and we have lots of books. I enjoy doing the voices and my son finds it enthralling! Julia Donaldson is our favourite author!
TeddyBishop, 29 Chwefror 2012
my three year old knows this word for word and loves every minute of it. It's a wonderful book
boo, 31 Ionawr 2012
All my Children have fallen in love with this book
Sharon71, 20 Ionawr 2012
I loved reading this book to the children at the nursery I work in. So I had to get it to read to my daughter, she loves the pictures & listening to mummy do all the different voices of all the different animals.
Niamhrae2011, 18 Ionawr 2012
this is a super book , both my boys love it. they act out the parts and the older one likes to do different voices for the animals
linztheo, 15 Ionawr 2012
Wonderful book bought for my son when he was born. We try and act out the animals for our son to get his attention more which he seems to like.
theodore, 13 Ionawr 2012
this book is fantastic: my son loves the book and loved watching on the bbc production of it. even in summer when we went for a walk in the wood he was re enacting the story looking under logs for snake etc
nicnic, 13 Ionawr 2012
My son loves this book, we put on voices and he gets really involved with it
Bunnygirl, 8 Ionawr 2012
My daughter loves reading this story.
Lesley, 3 Rhagfyr 2011
This is my sons favourite book and my partner loves reading it to him, adding growls! They both love it. A must buy.
Willy, 1 Rhagfyr 2011
My two and three year olds love the Gruffalo. They always laugh when I use different voices and I always end reading it five times, if not more. Love the pictures and the way it rhymes. One we will always treasure.
Pen, 23 Tachwedd 2011
A truly wonderful book – my 18 month old regularly chooses this one from the shelf. It is amusing to read for both her and myself with lovely illustrations. Everyone should have a copy of this story.
victoriajacks25, 5 Tachwedd 2011
I may love this book more than my child!!! Its a wonderful story and we thoroughly enjoy it every time
magtwit, 27 Hydref 2011
My little boy loves this book, and I have read it to him so many times that I know if of heart. He just has to hear the words, 'A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood' and he starts smiling. Its a really good book I love it almost as much as he does, every child should have this book in their collection.
Jenda, 13 Hydref 2011
I think this is a bit old for my 21 month old - i love it but he gets a bit bored halfway through. we will persevere though.
mummylion, 29 Medi 2011
My 2 year old daughter loves this story and the pictures are great for her to look at.
ElisaB, 26 Medi 2011
This book was given to my son as a gift when he was born. It is one of the first books I read to him at bed time, has become a favourite of ours and is always greeted with a smile. Still only 9 months old, he can clearly recognise the rhymes in the story and he already sits for the entire book. He especially likes the last page when I whisper 'all was quiet in the deep dark wood.....'.
Debra, 11 Medi 2011
A fantastic book. I have read this to my 20-month-old daughter since she was a newborn. She loves it! To see the little smile creep onto her face when the mouse meets the Gruffalo is magic...she never tires of this one! The pictures are brilliant and so expressive. A must have for any young childs' library.
Julia&Darcey, 26 Awst 2011
excellent read for all ages :)
liamandmummyreading, 16 Awst 2011
My 3 and 2-year-olds sons love this book – both of them can sit and tell you the story word for makes me smile to see them really enjoy reading
hezweb, 7 Awst 2011
My 22month old loves this book. She calls the Gruffalo- Griffyo! Fantastic pictures, she insists we read it at least once a day
Isabellebigted, 30 Gorffennaf 2011
My son is only 7 months old - but already adores the wonderful rhymes within the story. I get equal pleasure from the lovely story and wonderful illustration. I know this will be a book that we continue to read together for many years.
Iamhobbs, 29 Gorffennaf 2011
We borrowed the Gruffalo from the library because it had sound buttons and my son loved pressing and laughing at the funny noises. Great book.
Youngmoda, 24 Gorffennaf 2011
"Oh help! Oh no! it's a Gruffalo!" followed by screams of delighted laughter as we run round the house..! My little one has had this book since he was 18 months (now almost 4) and still loves it, and never tires of the story. When we drive or walk past woods we always talk about whether the Gruffalo lives in there, "I'm sure I saw him - did you? - are you sure he had purple prickles?" - or whether the Owl lives by a river we pass etc...
Wigster, 11 Gorffennaf 2011
Currently my daughter's favourite book and she makes sure that I read it every night.
sd, 30 Mehefin 2011
I love reading this to my daughter, she was very young (about 3 months old) when i first started reading this book to her and she is now nearly 10 months and still loves me reading it to her.
Dooley, 28 Mehefin 2011
This is THE book in our house! We must read this 3 or 4 times a week, our little boy never tires of it! It's such a cute story
DHA, 25 Mehefin 2011
This is one of my son's favourite books. He knows the story off by heart. He loves it when we make up different voices for the characters and loves talking about all the different creatures in the pictures.
Reema, 23 Mehefin 2011
My son recieved this book for his 1st birthday, and ever since then has been a favourite, the rhyming and wonderful illustrations keep him hooked, a wonderful book to share with children of preschool/toddler age and parents will love it too :)
liamandmummy, 19 Mehefin 2011
my daughter loves the guffalo book
hashani, 14 Mehefin 2011
Fantastic book. I have been reading this book to my little one ever since he was 6 months. Now he is 1 year old, he knows the whole story, smiling every time you say a a piece of the story :)
dante, 12 Mehefin 2011
My son loves the book so much. He likes to copy the sound of Gruffalo and all other character on the book.
Oktariza, 10 Mehefin 2011
We first read this book when the Gruffalo was part of Red Nose Day. We have since enjoyed making masks and various other activities. My son turns the pages too quick for me to read the full story though!!
Deb, 9 Mehefin 2011
My almost 3 year old has had loads of fun with his book and I made him a story sack to extend his learning and love of the story.
Amanda, 15 Mawrth 2011
My almost 3 year old has had loads of fun with his book and I made him a story sack to extend his learning and love of the story.
Amanda , 15 Mawrth 2011
We are all HUGE Gruffalo fans on our house, myself and husband included! We have two children aged 3 1/2 and almost 2 & they know the book almost word for word! It is in my opinion one of the greatest books ever – I am sure my children will continue to enjoy it for years to come!
Katherine, 23 Chwefror 2011
We are all HUGE Gruffalo fans on our house, myself and husband included! We have two children aged 3 1/2 and almost 2 & they know the book almost word for word! It is in my opinion one of the greatest books ever – I am sure my children will continue to enjoy it for years to come!
Katherine, 23 Chwefror 2011
I have been reading with preschool children for many years and The Gruffalo instantly became a firm favourite with them all. Colourful images, rhyme and alliteration make this book a joy to behold! I will treasure it for many years to come.
Jackie, 1 Chwefror 2011
I have been reading with preschool children for many years and The Gruffalo instantly became a firm favourite with them all. Colourful images, rhyme and alliteration make this book a joy to behold! I will treasure it for many years to come.
Jackie, 1 Chwefror 2011
At the moment The Gruffalo is my daughter's firm favourite and we read it every night before she goes to bed! She particular likes the end and joins in saying 'Gruffalo Crumble'!
Lucy, 1 Chwefror 2011
At the moment The Gruffalo is my daughter's firm favourite and we read it every night before she goes to bed! She particular likes the end and joins in saying 'Gruffalo Crumble'!
Lucy, 1 Chwefror 2011
My little boy really loved the wart on the Gruffalo's nose! Lots of pointing and laughing - we had to spend ages reading the page and going back to look again! Lots of fun, loved it...we're going to find some more Julia Donaldson to read next for sure!
Dave, 20 Rhagfyr 2010
My little boy really loved the wart on the Gruffalo's nose! Lots of pointing and laughing - we had to spend ages reading the page and going back to look again! Lots of fun, loved it...we're going to find some more Julia Donaldson to read next for sure!
Dave, 20 Rhagfyr 2010
My son loves this book and always chooses to read it over and over again. He also likes the animated tv version of the story