Extraordinary Tales From the Wild and Beyond
Publisher: Faber and Faber
For as long as people have looked for adventure, some have also found danger… And here are the stories of survival, gloriously written by David Long and sublimely illustrated by Kerry Hyndman.
From Juliane Koepcke, the 17-year-old girl who fell from the sky in Peru as the only survivor of a plane crash above the rainforest, to Aron Ralston, who cut off his own arm after being trapped by a fallen boulder in a canyon in Colorado USA (inspiring the movie 127 Hours), these stories are thrilling, chilling, motivating and incredibly exciting.
Each story is just the perfect length to read aloud at bedtime (although may give sensitive children somewhat vivid dreams), or for children to devour alone. Kerry Hyndman's stunning illustrations bring the book alive to a fantastic degree.
An anthology to inspire and help children understand how far self-belief and guts took these adventurers, and to wonder how far these qualities could take them too.
Winner of the Blue Peter Book Award 2017 for Best Book With Facts.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Gabriel, 2 Chwefror 2025
I really enjoyed this book. Most of the stories were very interesting I especially Enjoyed: The canyoner who cut of his own arm and woman who froze to death an survived.