My Uncle is a Hunkle, Says Clarice Bean

Part of the Clarice Bean series

Publisher: Orchard Books

Clarice Bean's mum is dubious about letting fireman Uncle Ted babysit, as things tend to go wrong when he's around. But when both Mum and Dad have to go away on Important Business, there's nothing for it but to call in Uncle Ted.

All goes well until Albert the guinea pig escapes, Grandad disappears and Clarice's younger brother Minal Cricket gets his head stuck in the railings...

Clarice Bean retains the fresh, child-like view of the world and sense of humour, which have won her many fans. Fabulous collage illustrations and a variety of typefaces make this a lively, fantastically funny book which will have readers laughing out loud - and is sure to bring Clarice even more fans!

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