Publisher: Chicken House
Since the catastrophic disaster that killed her father and briefly made her a universal symbol of hope, Aggie has kept well under the radar. She is currently a lowly analyst on Lunar Inc's moonbase where lumite, the revolutionary - and apparently inexhaustible - energy source is mined.
As a young adult, an upsurge in terrorist activity and increasing international tension back on Earth require her to step into the public eye once again. Although she is panic-stricken, her personal discomfort pales into insignificance when she stumbles across deception and tragedy on a monumental scale.
Formulaic but entertaining, this sci-fi action thriller has some relevant and thought-provoking content about excessive consumption, corporate greed and the corrupting effects of power.
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Average rating:
Anonymous, 29 Gorffennaf 2024
this book is alright
I'm a Robot, 31 Mawrth 2022