King Baby

Publisher: Walker Books

King Baby bestows 'smiles and laughs and kisses' on everyone, for King Baby is generous. But King Baby also has many demands: he must be fed. And changed! And burped! It is good to be the king, but when he can't explain which toy he wants, he'll have to go and get it himself. King Baby must crawl and walk his way into being a big boy. But who will reign over the people then?

Everything about this book is funny: even the title itself is smirk-inducing. The cover is a joyous thing to behold and the joy continues... King Baby is genuinely brilliant. The clever text and genius illustration play against each other to hilarious effect.

King Baby is a fantastic premise, expertly executed. It will have adults and children in stitches, and like all great comedy, it shows something true. Buy it for every new parent you know.

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