It’s the End of the World and I’m in my Bathing Suit
Publisher: Scholastic
12 year old Eddie has hatched a foolproof plan. His mum has told him to take care of his own laundry for the summer – but he doesn’t have time to waste doing chores when the sun’s out, so he’s spent the entire holidays hiding his dirty clothes in the closet when he’s done with them instead. Genius, right?
Eddie’s brilliant plan backfires when his dirty secret is revealed. Mum is FURIOUS – the only clean thing Eddie has left is his bathing suit! As punishment, Eddie isn’t allowed to go to the Big Beach Bash – the number one event of the summer – with his friends, and instead has to stay at home until ALL his laundry is done.
But when a powercut wipes out all the electricity in the town, it looks like it might have made everyone who lives there vanish as well – all except for Eddie and four of his friends. Can they solve the mystery of why, and where, everyone has disappeared? And will Eddie EVER finish his laundry?
Fast-paced and funny with snappy dialogue and brilliantly observed trains of thought as Eddie does just about everything under the sun to avoid doing his laundry. Eddie has ADHD which he talks lightheartedly about taking medication for and which is not the key focus of his character or the story. Children and adults who have ever tried to get out of doing chores are bound to relate to the loveable Eddie on his procrastination quest. Keep an eye out for a sequel, too!