Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes...
Publisher: Child's Play (International)
This is a happy book for babies and toddlers, one that no-one will be able to listen to and remain sitting still!
The text invites the reader to sing the familiar action rhyme, and the joyous pictures of babies demands that everyone joins in.
The babies take over the book and are colourful, active and enticing and set against a white background, they're great for the youngest of children to focus on.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Linny, 3 Mehefin 2017
Peyton loved this book when she was a baby. So does any other child that I look after. Great for little ones as the book is easy to handle and pages easy to turn.
Peytonbear, 18 Mawrth 2017
Great book. My daughter has loved it for quite a while and at 22mths now sings along with me.
Corky, 4 Chwefror 2017
I like this book.
Mariamkajoua, 16 Gorffennaf 2016
We enjoyed this book and song, though it's slightly difficult to sing it at the same time as turning the pages :p
L_ChMa, 13 Gorffennaf 2016
Lovely, easy pictures and colours. Another favourite of my little boys.
OmarT, 28 Mawrth 2016
My daughter loves listening and doing actions, the moment she hears the song she starts doing it,she becomes very happy.
donald duck, 1 Mawrth 2016
Great book. Help a lot in their development. My little bear wouldn't stop rolling in the first days when we sang.
Bear D, 6 Chwefror 2016
This book has bright colours and nice pictures. My baby likes to look at these.
Iness, 15 Rhagfyr 2015
This was the first book she read as a baby she learnt the body part from this book
Dera, 10 Tachwedd 2015
My Daughter Loves This Book Thats How She Learned What Her Knees And Toes Where She Does The Dance While i Read It To Her .
Gabbysmommy, 6 Medi 2015
My lo loves to enact
payalgoenka, 20 Mai 2015
My little one loves this book and copies everything I do whilst singing
Dru, 30 Medi 2014
We love to sing this book! My little girl joins in with the actions. I have also begun to sing it to her in French. She thinks this is fun!
Blanky Bear, 14 Gorffennaf 2014
My daughter loves this book
full time mummy, 19 Chwefror 2014
My little one loves this book, the bright colours and illustrations really capture his attention
Gabby, 15 Ionawr 2014
Once we had read this book a few times, my little one knew what was coming next and loved to do the actions. The pictures really helped to prompt the actions. It's a fun book and my little one now enjoys showing younger friends how to copy the actions
Tesh, 4 Ionawr 2014
This book along with " what a... Busy baby!" We're the first 2 books my 12 week old daughter got as they were from bookstart. This book is a winner with my little girl as she loves to look at the pictures but enjoys it even more because instead of reading the book to her I sing it to her instead which gets her attention and some times even a smile :-)
Kieshka , 3 Tachwedd 2013
Chloe loves anything to do with dance and singing
Paula, 4 Hydref 2013
My daughter got this in one of her earliest bookstart packs and she's always loved it, reading it through pointing to all her body parts and then we sing it through together at the end. Definitely think it helped her learn her body parts.
Jamie&Arabella, 4 Awst 2013
love this book as my daughter has learnt parts of her body and we also asked her to point to different body parts on baby. she cant say them but she knows where they are..
lexi_hannamum, 29 Mehefin 2013
Great book for children, good way of getting them to dance.
Happyhen, 22 Mehefin 2013
Tyler always smiles when I sing this nursery rhyme.
Twinx, 21 Chwefror 2013
My lil loves this. He heard today once and all day trying to sing
little bear Dominic, 29 Ionawr 2013
My baby loved this from an early age, it has vibrant colours and pictures and she loves to copy the actions.
monkey moo, 6 Rhagfyr 2012
My son has loved this book for ages now. One of the first books we ever read together. Excellent!
efcrgreat, 13 Medi 2012
Love it. My little one always smiles when I start singing
sarahk, 23 Awst 2012
My little girl loves looking at the babies while singing head, shoulders, knees and toes. As it's a board book it's great for her to turn the pages herself.
gnomes, 13 Awst 2012
Great book for teaching my little boy his face and bits. He loves it.
Joshua'sMummy, 12 Awst 2012
my little boy loves when it repeats knees and toes more than once. This book is really good for children especially toddlers as they enjoy the rhythm. It's a great way to get them active. :)
hussi, 10 Awst 2012
My children love doing the actions to this nursery rhyme
Moogule, 4 Gorffennaf 2012
My baby really loved it,ask questions and love to read more of it. we demonstrate activities. she enjoyed it.
Mo, 6 Rhagfyr 2011
I didn't really like this book but that may just be me. There wasn't much to it and I found it easier to do heads shoulders knees and toes stood up with my son rather than sitting looking at this book trying to do the actions as well.
pea123, 17 Hydref 2011
Given to me in my 1st BookTrust bag, loved doing the actions with my now 4 year old, it helped him name parts of body.