Books about cats

Me and My Cat?

We all love Mog the cat. But she isn’t the only kitty to get up to mischief in a children’s book.

Here are a few other cat stories to lay your paws on and enjoy with the little ones.  

  • 10 Cats

    Author: Emily Gravett

    Interest level: 2-3

    Reading age: 2-3

  • 10 Cats

    Author: Emily Gravett

    Interest level: 2-3

    Reading age: 2-3

    A white-furred mummy cat has nine kittens: two are black, three have stripes and four have patches. Yet, while she sleeps, the nau…

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  • Cat Chat

    Author: Dr Jess French Illustrator: Penelope Dullaghan

    Interest level: 1-4

  • Cat Chat

    Author: Dr Jess French Illustrator: Penelope Dullaghan

    Interest level: 1-4

    Reading age:

    If you have ever wondered what your cat is really thinking, then Cat Chat from expert vet and CBeebies presenter Dr Jess…

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  • Cat Kid Comic Club

    Author: Dav Pilkey

    Interest level: 6-11

    Reading age: 7+

  • Cat Kid Comic Club

    Author: Dav Pilkey

    Interest level: 6-11

    Reading age: 7+

    Lil' Petey the cat and Molly the tadpole have started the Cat Kid Comic Club - for kids that love to draw comics! This lovely, fun…

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  • Looshkin

    Author: Jamie Smart

    Interest level: 7-9

    Reading age: 7+

  • Looshkin

    Author: Jamie Smart

    Interest level: 7-9

    Reading age: 7+

    Looshkin is named ‘the maddest cat in the world’ for good reason – anything that could possibly go wrong all comes down …

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  • Alley Cat Rally

    Author: Ricky Trickartt

    Interest level: 4-6

    Reading age: 5+

  • Alley Cat Rally

    Author: Ricky Trickartt

    Interest level: 4-6

    Reading age: 5+

    When Asta the cat spots three alley cat racers speed past in their soapbox cars, she decides to give them a run for their money. W…

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  • Rigatoni the Pasta Cat

    Author: Michael Rosen Illustrator: Tony Ross

    Interest level: 6-8

    Reading age: 7+

  • Rigatoni the Pasta Cat

    Author: Michael Rosen Illustrator: Tony Ross

    Interest level: 6-8

    Reading age: 7+

    Rigatoni the cat adores pasta and even has a special pasta called "miaow". One day, Rigatoni ihas no choice but to leave the comfo…

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  • Tabby McTat

    Author: Julia Donaldson Illustrator: Axel Scheffler

    Interest level: 4-6

    Reading age: 6+

  • Tabby McTat

    Author: Julia Donaldson Illustrator: Axel Scheffler

    Interest level: 4-6

    Reading age: 6+

    A poetic story of love, adventure and music that demands to be read aloud or possibly sung, depending on the power of the reader's…

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  • Cats Ahoy!

    Author: Peter Bently Illustrator: Jim Field

    Interest level: 3+

    Reading age: 6+

  • Cats Ahoy!

    Author: Peter Bently Illustrator: Jim Field

    Interest level: 3+

    Reading age: 6+

    Cats’ favourite thing in the world is fish. So when Alfonso the cat overhears a two old men discussing the imminent arrival …

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  • Grumpy Cat

    Author: Britta Teckentrup

    Interest level: 3+

    Reading age: 6+

  • Grumpy Cat

    Author: Britta Teckentrup

    Interest level: 3+

    Reading age: 6+

    Cat eats, sleeps and spends his days alone. The other cats think he is grumpy, but really he is just lonely. But then Kitten turns…

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  • They All Saw a Cat

    Author: Brendan Wenzel

    Interest level: 4-6

    Reading age: 5+

  • They All Saw a Cat

    Author: Brendan Wenzel

    Interest level: 4-6

    Reading age: 5+

    A cat goes out for a walk and runs into a few other animals on the way... but isn't it funny how they all see the feline different…

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  • Meg and Mog

    Author: Helen Nicholl Illustrator: Jan Pienkowski

    Interest level: 2+

    Reading age: 5+

  • Meg and Mog

    Author: Helen Nicholl Illustrator: Jan Pienkowski

    Interest level: 2+

    Reading age: 5+

    In this the first story about much-loved characters Meg the witch and Mog her cat, the pair go off to a wild Hallowe'en party with…

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  • Macavity

    Author: T. S. Eliot Illustrator: Arthur Robins

    Interest level: 3+

    Reading age: 4+

  • Macavity

    Author: T. S. Eliot Illustrator: Arthur Robins

    Interest level: 3+

    Reading age: 4+

    Escaped from Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats, Macavity is now the star of his own picture book. With new illustrations from Ar…

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  • Oi Cat!

    Author: Kes Gray Illustrator: Jim Field

    Interest level: 4-7

    Reading age: 5+

  • Oi Cat!

    Author: Kes Gray Illustrator: Jim Field

    Interest level: 4-7

    Reading age: 5+

    A third title is added to the unstoppable “Oi Frog” sequence. It’s a brilliant premise that can run and run, and with such ap…

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  • Doodle Cat is Bored

    Author: Kat Patrick and Lauren Marriott

    Interest level: 4-6

    Reading age: 5+

  • Doodle Cat is Bored

    Author: Kat Patrick and Lauren Marriott

    Interest level: 4-6

    Reading age: 5+

    A quirky and original take on alleviating boredom, Doodle Cat is Bored’s design and humour has adult and kid appeal. 

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  • Matilda's Cat

    Author: Emily Gravett

    Interest level: 3+

    Reading age: 5+

  • Matilda's Cat

    Author: Emily Gravett

    Interest level: 3+

    Reading age: 5+

    Matilda's cat watches with disdain as his mistress plays with wool, climbs into boxes and dons a funky hat. But there is one thing…

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  • Super Cats

    Author: Gwyneth Rees Illustrator: Becka Moor

    Interest level: 6-11

    Reading age: 7+

  • Super Cats

    Author: Gwyneth Rees Illustrator: Becka Moor

    Interest level: 6-11

    Reading age: 7+

    Tabby kitten, Tagg, is astounded to learn that he is a Super Cat, just like his parents. He must use his newfound superpowers to h…

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  • I am Cat

    Author: Jackie Morris

    Interest level: 3+

    Reading age: 7+

  • I am Cat

    Author: Jackie Morris

    Interest level: 3+

    Reading age: 7+

    A cat curls up asleep, warm and cosy, and while it sleeps, it dreams. It is a tiger roaming the jungle, a cheetah racing across Af…

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  • Me and My Cat?

    Author: Satoshi Kitamura

    Interest level: 5+

    Reading age: 6+

  • Me and My Cat?

    Author: Satoshi Kitamura

    Interest level: 5+

    Reading age: 6+

    A witch casts a spell on Nicholas and he wakes up to discover he has turned into Leonardo, his pet cat.

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