Zeki Gets a Checkup
Publisher: Alanna Max
Zeki is a big boy now – he loves hiding toys, playing ball, singing and dancing. Today, he’s going for a checkup at the doctors’ with Daddy and Mister Seahorse, who he plays with while he and Daddy wait their turn in the clinic.
Zeki gets measured, weighed and his eyes and ears are tested; then he gets an injection to keep him healthy. Finally, Zeki gets a sticker and a book for being such a good boy.
This addition to the inclusive Zeki series mark developmental milestones for toddlers of Zeki’s age, such as drinking and eating independently. It is an ideal book to share with little ones of the same age, whether by parents, carers, nurseries or health practitioners.
Books about people who help us, for age 0-5
Discovering people in our community who help us (and their exciting vehicles!) is a key part of children's early years. As their worlds broaden to people and things outside the home, so they learn how some people have jobs that keep us safe and well. These are some of our favourite books to engage and excite young children on this topic.
Help with life skills for little ones
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Books about developmental milestones from 2-4
Toddlers are bundles of energy and contradictory desires. They want to be independent yet can cling to a parental figure.
This selection of books celebrates all the things most toddlers learn to do from age 2 to 4 or thereabouts, from jumping, drawing and playing with other children, to potty training and going to nursery or school. And of course, they enjoy…