Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
11 brilliant rewilding books 20/03/25
Supertaten / Supertato (Welsh language)
Publisher: Dref Wen
Mae arwr newydd yn y dre: Supertaten!
Mae’n nos yn yr archfarchnad a phob dim yn ddistaw ac yn llonydd. Ond arhoswch. Mae rhywbeth wedi dianc o’r rhewgell, rhywbeth sydd â chynllwyn drwg ar y gweill. Mae’r bysen fach ddrygionus eisiau codi reiat. A’r targed yw’r llysiau ffres.
Ond peidiwch â phoeni – mae Supertaten yma! All e ddatrys y troseddau ofnadwy yma ac achub y llysiau rhag tynged ofnadwy? Yn sicr, bydd yn rhaid iddo ddefnyddio ei holl archbwerau er mwyn trechu’r gelyn bach gwyrdd.
Dyma stori ddigri gyda chymeriadau gwirioneddol wych. Bydd pob plentyn wrth ei fodd â Supertaten a’i gyfeillion llysieuog.
Mae yma ddarluniau hwyliog, bywiog a thestun syml ond clyfar y bydd oedolion a’r rhai bach fel ei gilydd yn eu mwynhau. Ond dyma rybudd: bydd galw arnoch i ddarllen y stori dro ar ôl tro. Ar ôl tro.
There’s a new hero in town: Supertato!
It’s night-time in the supermarket and all is quiet and still. But wait. Something has escaped from the freezer. Something with plans. Evil plans. This little escapee (or escapea?) wants to cause chaos. Its targets: the fresh vegetables.
Never fear, though – Supertato is here! Can he solve these despicable crimes and save the vegetables from a terrible fate? He’ll definitely have to draw on all his superpowers if he’s going to outwit this little green foe.
A funny story with truly brilliant characters. No child could fail to fall in love with Supertato and his veggie companions.
Bright, fun illustrations sit alongside straightforward but clever text that both adults and little ones will enjoy. But be warned: you will be asked to read it again and again. And again.
Dechrau Da Meithrin Cymru: mwy o lyfrau gwych i blant 3-4 oed / Bookstart Nursery Wales: more brilliant books for 3-4s
Llyfrau wedi'u dewis â llaw yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg sy'n berffaith ar gyfer plant 3-4 oed, wedi'u dewis i'ch helpu i gael mwy o becyn Dechrau Da Meithrin.
Hand-picked books in Welsh and English that are perfect for children aged 3-4, selected to help you get more from the Bookstart Nursery pack.