20 shorter reads for teenagers 17/03/25
Gŵydd ar y Fferm / Goose on the Farm (bilingual)
Publisher: Atebol
Pan mae Sophie a Gŵydd yn mynd i’r fferm maen nhw’n gwisgo eu hesgidiau glaw. Maen nhw’n gyffro i gyd i gael cwrdd â’r holl anifeiliaid. Cyn hir, maen nhw’n dod i adnabod cwningod, ŵyn bach, cywion, moch, buwch fawr, gafr gyfeillgar a llawer, llawer mwy. Mae Sophie a Gŵydd yn dysgu ambell beth am eu cyfeillgarwch ac yn gwneud ambell ffrind newydd hefyd.
Mae arddull unigryw i’r darluniau, ac mae’r lliwiau’n neidio oddi ar y dudalen. Bydd pawb yn mwynhau’r ymweliad cofiadwy hwn â’r fferm.
When Sophie and Goose go to the farm they put on their wellies. They’re very excited to meet all the animals. Before long they’re getting to know bunnies, lambs, fluffy chicks, pigs, a big cow, a friendly goat and many many more. Sophie and Goose learn a few things about their friendship and make a few new friends too.
The colours of the illustrations jump from the page and have a unique style. Everyone will enjoy this very memorable trip to the farm.
Farm books for babies and toddlers
Books about farm animals and tractors are always popular with young children. It's great fun to make the animal noises - and the tractor sounds! Here is a selection of interactive books that will be very enjoyable to read with babies and toddlers.
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