Dawns yr Anifeiliaid / Doing the Animal Bop (bilingual)

Publisher: Rily

Mae’r llyfr lluniau egnïol hwn yn llawn dop o hwyl a fydd yn siŵr o gael y plant i stompio, dawnsio a chanu. Bydd y plant yn mwynhau paru’r geiriau rhythmig a symudiadau’r anifeiliaid, ac ymuno yn y dawnsio eu hunain.

Llyfr gwych i’w rannu ac un y bydd y plant yn siŵr o fod eisiau ei glywed drosodd a thro!

This high-energy picture book is a riot of fun and will have children stomping, dancing and singing. Children will enjoy matching the rhythmic text to the animals’ actions, and joining in with the dancing themselves.

A great book for sharing and one that children are sure to want to hear over and over again!

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Alphaprint / Anifeiliaid (bilingual)

Author: Sarah Powell Illustrator: Jo Ryan

Bydd y plant wrth eu boddau yn archwilio’r anifeiliaid sydd wedi’u cyflwyno mewn ffordd newydd sbon yn y llyfr bwrdd hwyliog hwn ar odl.

Children will love exploring animals as we’ve never seen them before in this fun, rhyming board book.

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Hapus / Happy (bilingual)

Author: Emma Dodd Adapted by Ceri Wyn Jones

Stori i godi calon am fwynhau chwarae, chwerthin a dysgu gyda’r tylluanod bach a mawr anwylaf.  

A heart-warming story about enjoying play, laughter and learning with the cutest little and large owls. 

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