Anrheg Nadolig Taid / Grandpa Christmas

Publisher: Atebol

Oes traddodiadau Nadolig gyda ti? Mae gan Mia draddodiad arbennig iawn. 

Bob blwyddyn mae hi’n estyn y llythyr a gafodd yn anrheg Nadolig gan Taid, a’i ddarllen gyda’i theulu. Mae’r llythyr yn cofio’r hwyl gafodd Mia a’i thaid gyda’i gilydd yn ystod ei phlentyndod ac mae Taid yn rhannu ei ddymuniad am y dyfodol â Mia. 

Mae’r neges amgylcheddol gref y llyfr annwyl hwn yn annisgwyl wrth ddarllen y tudalennau cyntaf. Mae darluniau gwych Jim Field yn dangos sefyllfa amgylcheddol y byd mewn ffordd glir a dealladwy.  Maen nhw’n troi’r llyfr o fod yn lythyr egwyddorol i stori â neges ddealladwy i blant.

Do you have any Christmas traditions? Mia has a very special tradition.

Every year she finds the letter Taid (Grandpa) wrote to her and reads it with her family. The letter talks about the fun they had together when Mia was young and Taid shares his hopes for the future with her.

The strong environmental theme in this dear book is unexpected as you read the first few pages. Jim Field's brilliant illustrations show the state of the environment as it is today in a clear and understandable way. This is a principled story that is made understandable for young children by the fantastic illustrations.

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