Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
Publisher: Methuen
No child's library could be complete without A A Milne's stories about Pooh, Christopher Robin and their friends in the Hundred Acre Wood.
Whether they are celebrating Eeyore's birthday, meeting a 'Heffalump' or even undertaking an important 'expotition' to the North Pole, children will be charmed by the adventures of Pooh and company, which are huge fun to read aloud.
Beautifully illustrated with E H Sheperd's original black drawings, this is a true classic.
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Hasan Khan, 19 December 2022
Want to purchase.
Mahi, 05 December 2015
I like Winnie the Pooh I like this story
Mark, 18 June 2015
One of the all time great funny and sad and then funny again books. A must read to know what other readers are referring to. A Heff, aheff, a heffalump.
Brita, 01 November 2013
OMGGGGG!!1!!!1! It WINNIE THE POOOOHH my fav book. and its the only book i can read even tho im in grade 8