What is a Peachick?

Publisher: O’Brien Press

What exactly is a peachick? One girl decides to investigate.

Does it come from a pea pod? Do other vegetables also have chicks? Perhaps everything has chicks and there are cushion chicks and toothbrush chicks in the house? Oh dear, will we ever know? (Perhaps this peacock – and his peahen – might have the answer?) 

This slightly surreal picture book has a rollicking rhyme that pulls the reader through the pages. The flights of fancy are made real by Clive McFarland’s energetic illustrations, with inanimate objects brilliantly anthropomorphised.

Young children might like to suggest other possibilities for what a peachick might be, especially at the end, and there is scope to discuss other things that might have chicks too. A super-fun book for sharing with little ones. 

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