Tumtum and Nutmeg: The First Adventure

(2 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Farshore

Arthur and Lucy Mildew live in Rose Cottage with their absent-minded father. Within the cottage’s skirting boards lies Nutmouse Hall, the grand home of two contented mice called Nutmeg and Tumtum. When the kind mice realise the state of disrepair of their human neighbours’ home, they turn into fairy godparents and do what they can to clean, mend and provide. But then disaster strikes when Aunt Ivy comes to stay, and soon it is the mice who are in need of help.

This well-judged story of a doll’s house-sized world coming to life is very appealing. The laughter induced by the retired General Marchmouse and his troops in the battle of Nutmouse Hall ensures that the tale avoids becoming twee.

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