5 Fantastic Farmyard Books 14/03/25
Tummy Time!
Publisher: Mama Makes Books
It takes six months to a year for babies to see as well as adults. From birth, the complex blurry world is just light and dark and moving forms. At four months, it’s believed they can see bright colours and faces close to them, which is why graphic, black and white patterns and pictures like the ones in this book are perfect for small babies to look at.
At six months, babies love looking at other babies and themselves – which is why this lovely stand-up book contains pictures of a variety of baby faces and two mirrors. Ideal for tummy time, babies can look at the book as they lie on their tummies, building body strength so that they can roll over, sit and crawl. The attention-grabbing pictures also keep baby brains busy, and it’s a lovely book to take out and about with you too to keep little ones amused.
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What you thought...
Average rating:
Sarah, 06 July 2022
We got this free from our library. My baby loves it. We had bought some expensive cards similar to this online. There was no need, he prefers this book, now I am on the hunt for another.
Leah, 21 April 2022
All the stories are good
Iqra, 21 December 2021
Got this free from our health visitor via the BookTrust scheme and it is excellent. He loves it and we actually do tummy time now!