5 fantastic farmyard books 14/03/25
The Weight of Water
Publisher: Bloomsbury
When Kasienka’s father leaves the family home in Poland in search of a new life, her broken-hearted mother resolves to follow him to England. Kasienka, who is reluctant to leave Poland, finds their shabby new home in Coventry damp and depressing.
To make matters worse, Kasienka is constantly made to feel like an outsider in her new school: she is ostracised by the other girls and finds no solace at home, as her mother spends all her free time determinedly searching the streets of Coventry for her missing husband.
The only release Kasienka finds from her problems is through swimming and an important friendship she makes at the pool with a boy called William.
This beautiful book is written in verse and captures 13-year-old Kasienka’s emotions and experiences perfectly. Although painful in places, this is an ultimately hopeful story, which will stay with the reader long after they have finished the last page.
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What you thought...
Average rating:
Avyaya, 01 September 2022
It was absolutely amazing it made cry in library session at school though !😥I absolutely loved and would recommend it to anyone
Lily, 18 October 2016
Interesting great book. Armed with a suitcase and an old laundry bag filled with clothes, Kasienka and her mother head for England. Life is lonely for Kasienka. At home her mother's heart is breaking and at school friends are scarce. But when someone special swims into her life, Kasienka learns that there might be more than one way for her to stay afloat. "The Weight of Water" is a startlingly original piece of fiction; most simply a brilliant coming of age story, it also tackles the alien...
sally, 28 February 2016
Really thought provoking book that I really enjoyed. Very easy to relate to
Louise, 11 July 2015
Absolutely heartwarming and an amazing original.