5 fantastic farmyard books 14/03/25
The Spook's Apprentice
Publisher: Red Fox
The Spook's Apprentice is a fantasy book set in the north of England where Thomas Ward, the seventh son of a seventh son, must prove himself capable of facing ghosts and witches if he is to take on the mantel of The Spook, the people who keep the county safe from the darkness. But the role is as unpopular as it is necessary and Tom has to decide whether he wants to leave his family for a life of danger and isolation.
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Anon, 22 February 2024
Anonymous, 13 April 2022
It made the hairs on the back of my neck sand up yet I found I just could not shut the book until I was finished, and l looked everywhere until I found the next series of the book.
Emily, 22 June 2020
Great book suitable for 12+ and creepy but intelligent.
Tom, 04 March 2018
The Spook's Apprentice is a fantasy book set in the north of England where Thomas Ward, the seventh son of a seventh son, must prove himself capable of facing ghosts and witches if he is to take on the mantel of The Spook, the people who keep the county safe from the darkness. But the role is as unpopular as it is necessary, and Tom has to decide whether he wants to leave his family for a life of danger and isolation.
red fox, 19 February 2016
my friend thought the book was gripping from the first page, i was told it was fantastic from start to finish, and once i read the first one i would feel compelled to get the following books, seriously a must read. Unfortunately i did not agree, as at some times i found it boring. At others i found the plot violent and unneccessary. Despite the fact i read a range of books (Twilight, The Book Thief, The mortal instruments, a series of unfortunate events, the 13 treasures series, and john g...
none, 18 February 2016
This Is One THE Most Gripping Series of Books That I Have Read.The Series Is Called The Wardstone Chronicle And within the limit of 1 week I am already On the third book of the series. It is almost Impossible for me to put the book down. I easily manage to read 100 or 180 pages a day. I would Definately Reccomend this Book!
KeepMeReading, 02 May 2015
It was a thrilling book 10/10 i loved the next books just as much. Alice was my favourite.