The Deadsoul Project

The Night House Files

Publisher: Barrington Stoke

In 2023, derelict tower block Alpine Heights is demolished, after being abandoned for nearly half a century following a mysterious health incident which resulted in several deaths.

Much of the action of The Deadsoul Project takes place in 1977, when siblings Kyle and Lauren live with their mum and bullying stepdad Connor in Alpine Heights. 

Connor, a soldier, is supposedly killed in action, so the siblings are baffled when he suddenly appears in their flat, behaving even more strangely than usual. Events take a dramatic turn when several Alpine Heights residents become seriously ill, each developing soulless black eyes, a misshapen body, and a ring of puncture wounds on their neck.

As Kyle and Lauren uncover the grisly truth behind the illness, they find themselves fighting for survival.

Definitely not for the faint-hearted, The Night House Files is a chilling new series for teenagers. The narrative is interspersed with news articles and classified reports, including transcripts of interviews with those involved in the incident, which cleverly draw readers into the story.

The book features dyslexia-friendly elements, including a specially designed font to avoid confusing letter shapes and expert editing to aid comprehension, ensuring the content matches the age of the reader, not their reading level.

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