11 brilliant rewilding books 20/03/25
The Name of this Book is SECRET
Publisher: Usborne
Eleven-year-old Cass is a ‘survivalist’ and her school friend, Max Ernst, an expert at puzzles.
In a house-clearance the children discover a special box containing The Symphony of Smells. They soon find a sinister couple are trailing them and, worse, seem to be behind the disappearance of unusually artistic pupil Benjamin Blake.
The kids’ deductions reveal the importance of synaesthesia (a condition in which senses are linked so that, for example, a sound may evoke a colour) and that this lies behind the obsessions of the ruthless Ms Mauvais and Dr L, and their true activities at the Midnight Sun Spa and Sensorium.
Original and quirky, the lure of a pseudonymous author, ‘secret’ subject matter and warnings of danger should have strong appeal. Short, manageable chapters will further encourage reading.
What you thought...
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Lizzy, 03 December 2023
I loved this book so much! It made me laugh
Evelyn, 19 July 2020
i really liked this book because it had lots of unextpected twist and it aso made me laugh alot
Rebecca, 06 February 2015
This book was so amazing as it held so much mystery within it. But it made me a bit at one point in the story. But I wont spoil it!