Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
The Hobbit
Publisher: HarperCollins
This is the classic story of Bilbo Baggins - a home-loving hobbit who enjoys a quiet and contented life in his cosy hobbit hole and has no desire to travel afar. But then the wizard Gandalf and a band of dwarves arrive unexpectedly and enlist his services, and soon Bilbo finds himself part of an extraordinary expedition to raid the treasure-hoard of Smaug the Dragon - and on the way becomes the possessor of a very unusual ring.
This well-loved fantasy has delighted both children and adults ever since its first publication in 1937. Full of magic, humour and adventure, it continues to offer plenty to entertain and engage today's young readers who are discovering it for the first time.
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What you thought...
Average rating:
Sarah, 25 June 2021
nice book
mason, 09 March 2020
best book ever to good to be real
yo yo, 23 February 2020
best book i have ever read!
christopher, 05 November 2019
kaidyn, 14 March 2019
I love this book as its about a hobbit that loves his home and is well respected whisked of o an adventure full of wild and wonderful characters: hobbits, dwarfs, elf's, humans and dragons plus more!! Also all the different storeys inside it like with the goblins and when they were with the elf's etc.
Archie, 12 November 2017
I really liked all the different parts of the book for example were they stole the gold, when they were in the goblin hole and when there was an unexpected party at Bilbo's. Also I loved the unusual characters - dwarfs, hobbits, humans, elf's etc.
Archie, 12 November 2017
I read it to my ten year old class and none of them liked it. I did though. Lol
Laura, 05 May 2017
Raph, 15 February 2017
I think this is a great summary bu perhaps you could write a persuasive argument why this is a good book for year 5 to read.
Jade, 29 January 2017
This is great
Fatima, 02 October 2016
I loved the Hobbit it was a great story!
Henry, 20 July 2016
I thought it was bareeeeeee interesting, I loved it all, it's one of my best books.
Vaneesa, 14 June 2016
I love this book! It offers perfectly written chapters and the book never gets boring except for the first page, but don't stop reading because it will then unleash all of its action and adventure! It is an authentic book that is unique in hundreds of millions of ways. Can I come for tea, Mister Bilbo?
Jacob, 19 May 2016
A book full of adventure, heroism, song and laughter, featuring landscapes that are quintessentially English - the Shire the Hobbits inhabit could easily be an England of yesteryear. But soon the Shire is left behind and Bilbo, our reluctant hero, encounters Dwarves, Elves, Goblins, Eagles and Wizards as the party passes through Rivendell, The Misty Mountains and Mirkwood on their way to the Lonely Mountain, in order to take back treasure stolen by the great dragon Smaug. One of the most a...
Voracious reader, 25 December 2015
A heart warming story, about a hobbit who does something he never thought he would. I favoured the character Gandalf and the part is when they fly away on the giant eagles.
Anon, 10 August 2015
amazing book for any kid of about 8+, with a great plot :)
Miggles:), 09 November 2014
awesome adventure story
saphirathedragon, 24 October 2014
The book was great i loved the ring and how Bilbo became invisible.
deeva, 16 September 2014
This is a extremely moving fiction story and I enjoyed reading it very much, about Bilbo the dwarf and I also found it tricky to put this book down! I think you should really check it out! :)
kamz, 11 July 2014
it was interesting
Em, 26 March 2014
I think this is an overall good book to read in your spare time. I liked the part where Bilbo was told to leave his house and was whisked away and got to the dwarves just in the nick of time.
bob, 29 October 2013
I think the book was alright I liked the part when Bilbo Baggins stole the ring and escaped by turning invisible. But my favourite part is when they fought the Orcs. Overall I liked it it was a good book.
Russell, 22 October 2013
If you can find a better book than this I'll be surprised!
Oscar, 22 October 2013
Five stars because it is interesting and you don't want to put the book down
max, 14 October 2013
This book has a great story and full of adventure. It was exciting and engaging. As you read on you can't put it down. The story line is about what happened before The Lord of the Rings. So you want to know what happened before all that happened.
Callum, 14 October 2013
This book has lasted the test of time. I have read it 5 x times. it is a fantastic story and adventure.
Eric, 12 October 2013
You have to read such a good book. It's great!
c.m, 10 October 2013
Beautiful. It is the best