The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

(2 reviews with an average rating of 4 out of 5)

Publisher: Indigo

Welcome to Coldtown. Once you enter, you can never leave.

In a not-too-distant future in which vampires abound, seventeen-year-old Tana wakes up after a party feeling groggy and hungover. Leaving the bathroom where she's apparently spent the night, she goes downstairs to discover the house is filled with the corpses of her friends, who have clearly fallen victim to a horrifying vampire massacre. The only survivors are her ex-boyfriend, now infected, and a mysterious boy with a secret to hide - and they are all in terrible danger.

Tana is determined to find a way to save them all - but the only way to do this is to go straight into the heart of Coldtown, a deadly city where vampires are quarantined. Here, the undead mingle with curious humans, drawn there by the seductive glitter, glamour and gore of the 24-hour parties broadcast live on TV and documented online, ready to offer themselves up for the chance at immortality. 

Author of The Spiderwick Chronicles Holly Black describes this novel as 'a love letter to all the vampire books  I read growing up' - and there's no doubt that this imaginative young adult novel owes far more to Anne Rice than it does to Stephanie Meyer. Putting her own original spin on the vampire genre, this is an enormously entertaining horror, which makes Twilight look tame. Delightfully dark and gorgeously gothic, it is certain to enchant fans of all things chilling and supernatural.

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