Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
11 brilliant rewilding books 20/03/25
The Clumsies Make a Mess
Publisher: HarperCollins Children's Books
Purvis and Mickey Thompson are two talking mice who live under the desk of Howard Armitage, a permanently harassed office worker.
These well-meaning mice only want to help Howard but usually manage to make a mess in the process, especially when they are joined by a baby elephant called Ortrud!
The Clumsies try to solve lots of Howard’s problems, from fixing the broken office boiler (after feeding it crisps) to helping Howard’s depressed dog Allen win a prize for the waggiest tail, all with hilarious consequences.
This book is beautifully designed, featuring text of different shapes and sizes that swirls around each page and lots of collage-style illustrations. The humour is quirky and surreal and the Clumsies are lovable characters who make most of their decisions after drinking a nice cup of tea!