The Boy Who Cried Ghost

Publisher: Scholastic

Richard feels unsafe all the time. He has intrusive thoughts; that he is a bad person, that terrible things will happen to the people he loves. 

Everything scares him, so when he moves house, the thing in the wardrobe is no exception. It just adds itself to a long list of things to be afraid of. But as long as Richard keeps checking that the lock, the rope and the duct tape are keeping it securely in place, he can cope with the fear. But he has to keep checking. And checking. 

Then, when a well-meaning neighbour opens the door, the evil, ghostly, devilish ‘something’ is set free and Richard’s world implodes. Can he convince anyone that the ghost is real or will they just think it’s another one of his irrational worries?  

This insightful, haunting, coming-of-age story is a celebration of friendship, diversity and inclusion that gives readers a glimpse into the mind of someone living with OCD.  

Although OCD controls Richard’s life at the beginning of the book, he is not a one-dimensional character so, as well as exploring suffering and trauma, his journey is about bravery, friendship, support and hope.    

An exciting, supernatural adventure with added depth. 

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