The Biracial Butterfly

(3 reviews with an average rating of 5 out of 5)

Publisher: Pup Ear Books, an imprint of Dog Horn Publishing

Skyler looks at himself in the mirror. He has curly hair, brown skin and eyes like greengage jam. This unusual blend makes him think about his heritage, his wise and charming black mother from Kenya, and his white adventurous European father. His parents’ home countries are so different – the heat, music and wild animals of Africa are such a contrast to British rain, rocks and wild, green landscapes.

Skyler decides he is lucky to have the best of both worlds, the yin and yang, warm and cool, and concludes everyone is special, no matter what their race or gender.

A simple rhyming story exploring identity and roots in an imaginative, colourful way, and reassuring in its warmth and acceptance of difference and variety.

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