20 Shorter Reads for Teenagers 17/03/25
5 fantastic farmyard books 14/03/25
Tail-end Charlie
Publisher: Frances Lincoln
In carefully detailed but lively illustrations, accompanied by notes written by hand or in typescript on postcards and official documents, we learn a great deal about food rationing, RAF training and life as a ‘Tail-end Charlie’ in a bomber.
To supplement the text, the endpapers, as well as every image, can be interrogated for additional visual information. Manning has a personal interest in his subject which shines through, and which will engage and inform Key Stage 2 and older readers.
The graphic format and factual content will particularly attract boys who are not drawn to wordier non-fiction.
Books about World War II
From classic favourites to more recent titles, these books for children take a variety of different approaches to representing the events of World War II.
What you thought...
Average rating:
Kirsty, 28 July 2013
We found a copy of this book at our local library and my 4 year old son has requested it every bedtime, and countless times in between, ever since. We've now reached the maximum renewal times on it, so he will be getting his own copy. Being a under the recommended age, there are some things that he needs explaining to him, but this book has grabbed his imagine in a way that countless other WW2 books have failed to. He likes to recreate Charlie's final battle with his toy planes and will fr...