Shopping with Dad

Publisher: Barefoot Books

One Saturday morning, Dad is sent shopping with his excitable daughter. Enthusiastically, she starts crossing things off the list before they have even started. Things can only get worse...

Amused by Mum's requests for Octopus Underpants, Well-Behaved Daughter Water and Strong Anti-Grump Pills, the little girl sets off at a dash, nearly knocking over a man stacking cans.

Then, trapped in a trolley, she sneezes the most enormous sneeze. This causes a chain reaction of bumps, bashes and nudges, finally reaching the can-stacking man. But everyone helps restack the cans when they realise a little girl's sneeze caused the chaos.

A salutary lesson in patience, humour and understanding that when accidents happen, no-one is to blame, accompanied by vibrant, comical illustrations.

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