Santa Claus vs The Easter Bunny

Publisher: Andersen Press

Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny live next door to each other, but sadly there’s no neighbourly love lost between them – on Bunny’s side, anyway. Poor Bunny has to hand-cast, wrap and deliver all his annual Easter eggs, and feels rather envious that Santa has a flashy factory and outsources all his manufacturing to elves.

So, one night, Bunny sneaks into Santa’s factory and pours chocolate into all his present-making machines, meaning that the children's toys will melt come Christmas morning. HA! TAKE THAT, SANTA!

Yet, when the world’s children love Santa even more for leaving chocolate bicycles and the like under the tree, Bunny is defeated. Yet, maybe his cunning plan will help him and Santa in the end.

Fred Blunt’s anarchic, hilarious story delights with a fat, complacent Santa and an exhausted, desperate Bunny whose bad deed manages to come right in the end. A delightful mash-up (or meltdown) of festive characters, it’s an original take on the Christmas picture book fare, which is full of genuine laughs.

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