Ruffles and the Teeny, Tiny Kittens

Publisher: Nosy Crow

Meet Ruffles, the playful puppy who faces all the tricksy troubles of preschool life, in this new picture book from the award-winning David Melling.

The follow up to Ruffles and the Red, Red Coat, this picture book finds Ruffles having to cope with a litter of Teeny, Tiny Kittens who have come to stay. Not only are they constantly scooting around and snoring but they want to play with Big Blue Blankie. And Ruffles does not want to share his beloved blue blanket…

Toddlers will love all the movement and energy in David Melling’s illustrations (often popping against bold single-colour backdrops), and of course the adorable Ruffles with his big, knowing, staring eyes.

It’s ingenious to present typical toddler behaviour – such as not wanting to share toys – through an animal like Ruffles. In fact, the Ruffles book really shines for its lack of finger-wagging (although there’s plenty of tail wagging!). The tone is light and the message sinks in through humour and repetition. David Melling shows the reasons behind the refusal to share and that this instinct is not inherently bad but comes from a sense of protection over the toys and belongings we hold most dear.

Ultimately, as the story unfolds, the joys of sharing come to light – sharing gives us more opportunity for playing and friendship, after all!

Ruffles and the Teeny, Tiny Kittens is also a good book for any young children about to get a new addition to the family. Although the kittens are disruptive and annoying at first, their companionship and exuberance is really a delight to Ruffles by the end.

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