5 fantastic farmyard books 14/03/25
Rivers An Incredible Journey from Source to Sea
Publisher: Templar
Rivers have always been important to humans, and in fact many cities and towns were built on rivers. Rivers allow people to travel on them, to trade and transport goods, and rivers also keep the land fertile.
Readers begin by learning about a river’s source in the mountains and following it downhill into valleys and waterfalls into rivers, which run a course through the land before finally making their way to seas and oceans. Along the way, we learn about everything from mangroves to underground rivers, river cities and oxbow lakes as well as the wildlife that lives in rivers and around it.
Featuring six gorgeous pull-out pages that detail famous rivers: The Ganges, The Danube, The Amazon, The Murray, The Mississippi and The Nile, this is a stunning book full of interesting facts and appealing illustration. The text level would suit a confident upper primary reader, as it is fairly complex in parts.
Books about water
Water is one of the most precious resources on Earth. These non-fiction books show how crucial it is to our planet, and how the water cycle works.
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