Using fiction to smash stereotypes 21/03/25
Out of the Blue
Publisher: Macmillan
Seventeen-year-old Jaya has lost a lot recently: her mother, who died in a freak accident, and her first girlfriend, who has moved away without warning. At the same time, angels – or winged Beings – start falling from the sky, and the world is changed forever by it. Jaya’s father is obsessed with catching one. But it is Jaya who finds Teacake the angel, wounded but alive. She joins forces with Allie and Callum to protect the angel from those who would exploit her.
This is a unique, charming novel by a powerful writer who moves easily between abrasive teenage wit and unsentimental, lyrical insights into grief. The magical realism is brilliantly handled; Teacake the angel is an especially memorable and totally convincing character.
This assured novel stands out for the quality of its writing and imaginative vision, among the many other books about teenagers dealing with grief.
While there is one swear word and one kiss, Out of the Blue feels well suited to young teenage readers who are looking for a story with emotional depth as well as pace, and which provides an opportunity for discussion around ethics, death and religion.
Books about grief and loss for teens
Books can help teenagers to process sad feelings, especially when they find it hard to talk to adults. We’ve suggested some books that can help those going through tough times, and which are also excellent reads for everyone.
Also check out our booklists for 5 to 8 year olds and 9 to 12 year olds.
Teen and YA books with LGBT characters
These books for teens and young adults all feature lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender characters and relationships.
Magical stories (teen)
These books are brilliant for teenagers who want to get lost in a magical journey.